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Lets see. I am doing much better with Wayback. The backing up and starting over is doing what I hoped it would. The prophecy part is gone, and instead its an archeological mystery of sorts I guess.

My word count is going great. Wayback is in like, three different files, perhaps even four. I have to try and remember which one is the current one. Oy.

  • Wayback BeginningTT (Take Two) is 42,031.
  • NotesTT is 52.
  • WorldBuilding is 149.

I am meeting my goal of 500 a day easily. So far the smallest day I have had is today at 1896. I am doing wonderfully on the Dare.

In real life, not much is going on. All of my appts and the like are starting back up this week. Oh goody. PT, counselor, and pain doc are all this week.