
I take the term ‘story outline’ literally. As in I make a numbered outline. I can’t help myself. Besides I love numbered outlines. Hey, never said I wasn’t weird!

I decided to work on a serious SW/Centric worldbuild outline. I got a lot of it done since I had bits and pieces of it scattered throughout three other documents. Tomorrow I will start laying out the scenes, those I have already and those I want to do.

At anyrate, I have some screenshots of the outline, to show you what I did with it. And, by the way, I love OpenOffice!!

I ordered myself a book and it finally got here today. And of course, I read it in just a few hours, dammit. It is Sierra City by Gerri Hill. Overall, it’s not a bad book. The characters are cool, and she is good at putting the reader right there (there’s that **** showing vs telling). The problem I had with the book is that it was predictable. It’s a lesbian romance so I guess the outcome was obvious from the beginning because, duh, it’s a romance. Just like a mystery we know we will find out who killed the butler by the end of the book. But at one point I wondered why I was bothering to read it. Lorna says it’s because I wasn’t reading it, I was editing it.

Despite my problem with the predictability, I really liked the book. I was kinda upset it ended, actually. It meant I had to turn back on the laptop and get to work. 😛