Three at once!

Despite my blog surfing, despite getting my blood pressure up over that alleged leader of our country, I did get some writing done today. And I got it done on three different WIPs. (I’ll update the word counts later)

BG2 – I’ve decided to do the major scenes for now, then fill in the finer details later. I need to know where it is going and I can’t unless I write it out.

BG3 – Stalled at the moment. I need to get these two together but I can’t find a way to do it that I like. Arrgh.

The Trilogy – Reworking this one by adding in an antagonist earlier in the story line. I think doing so now will help to explain it later.

An online friend of mine went to the WorldCon and wrote a splendid post about it all. What she had to say has me thinking more of what I want to do. Especially with my SF piece.

Oh, and had PT today. I was advised to wear my neck brace more. Oh goody, another appliance.

And yes, I’ve been up all night again.