Gays Are, Like, So Freakin’ Powerful!

We are! Really! We are so powerful an enemy to God that He punishes everyone for supporting us. Really! We are so terrible a species of human that God wreaks havoc on cities and nations just because they have gay marriage rights and stuff.

Okay, stop laughing, Paula.

I could get angry. I mean, really, why would God kill thousands of people on 9/11/01 just to punish everyone for supporting homosexuals? Kind of odd, really. Why not rain terror during the Gay Pride March in NYC? Or smack Orlando upside the head during Disney’s Gay Days? Now THAT would hold a message, don’t you think? No, “they” think that Hurricane Katrina was punishment to New Orleans. Please, the levees were the punishment, not Katrina. Hurricane Rita did more damage in Texas than Katrina did to New Orleans. Katrina and Rita wiped entire towns off the map, but we never hear about that, do we? But I digress into another rant.

Where was I? Oh, right.

I got onto this particular rant when I read an article on LiveScience: NY Pastor: God’s Wrath Is Near (Again) by Benjamin Radford, LiveScience’s Bad Science Columnist.

According to the founding pastor of New York City’s Times Square Church, David Wilkerson, denizens of the Big Apple should stockpile survival gear and a month’s supply of non-perishable food in preparation for an “earth-shattering calamity” that could happen at any moment. The threat is not from foreign terrorists this time, but instead from God.

Wilkerson, claiming he was prompted by the Holy Spirit, recently wrote in his blog that “An earth-shattering calamity is about to happen… It will engulf the whole megaplex, including areas of New Jersey and Connecticut. Major cities all across America will experience riots and blazing fires… There will be looting — including Times Square, New York City.” (Only a Manhattanite would assume that God’s destruction of the world would begin with New York City).


This is far from Wilkerson’s first prophecy; in fact he has made something of a cottage industry of cranking out bible-based predictions. In 1973, Wilkerson issued a nearly identical message in a book titled “The Vision.” He described the great tragedies that would befall the United States if Americans continued to pursue homosexuality, greed, and sin. Nearly 40 years later, the issues include gay marriage, abortion, and stem cell research.

Most of his prophecy did not come to pass, but it is a common theme. Rev. Jerry Falwell infamously blamed pagans, abortionists, gays, lesbians, the American Civil Liberties Union and others for bringing about the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks. In Falwell’s view, God had enlisted Muslim Saudi Arabians to punish Americans for their decadent ways. In 2005, Rev. Gerhard Wagner suggested that Hurricane Katrina was “divine retribution” for New Orleans’ tolerance of homosexuals and sin.


The God I know and follow doesn’t do things like that. God knows that with the knowledge of science, we would need direct intervention, not far flung things like Katrina and 9/11. We are no longer the superstitious God fearing peoples of long ago. We have faith in spite of science, in spite of our knowledge. Now, ain’t that a good thing for God and us?


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