
I was just scanning down the front page, looking at the sidebar to see if everything was still valid and all that stuff. I get to the archive listing and realized something.

I’ve been blogging for SIX years. Yes, six years. I first started in December 2003. I wanted to be a writer and had discovered this place called Forward Motion. There I found like-minded folk and was having fun. I started hearing people talking about this ‘blog’ stuff. LiveJournal was rather new I think so it was a hot topic.

I knew html and already had a website so I started a ‘blog’ there. Later, I moved it to the current format, WordPress because html tables are not easy to make accessible. My first blogging efforts was a true ‘blog’: it was an online diary, a web log.

I can’t remember exactly why I started doing one. Probably because everyone else had one. On the one hand, I wanted to be like everyone else. On the other hand, I disliked not knowing exactly who would “own” my words if I used LiveJournal or Blogger. I did eventually create accounts with both but all they do is tell you to come here.

Six years. Wow. Back then, I was working on Wayback, a wonderful cool huge novel with about a million (okay, 14) main characters. I still love that book. In January 2004, I started working on what is now The Trilogy That Will Never Survive Editing (aka Simple Sarah). In November 2004, I did my first NaNoWriMo, writing a book with a long title: Butch Girls Can Fix Anything. Sound familiar?