bookmark_borderAlive But Unwell

Yes, I am alive. Yes, I am writing. Yes, I am also playing games more than writing.

And yes, I am unwell. I would say I am sick but that’s a given.

I have bronchitis. This is week two. I’m tired of coughing. Tired of being so damn tired. I am getting better though. I can hold up the phone while texting now. Last week I couldn’t. I went to the doc Friday and got these huge antibiotics. Huge. But by Monday night, I wasn’t markedly better so back I went. Now I am a steroid and a codeine cough syrup that, for some reason, makes me cough. Weird I am, yes.

What am I writing? Well, working on Harri’s story. It’s going along well. I’m working hard to make it funny. I am also working on a Science Fiction novel that is going well, too. That one will be in first person and is interesting to write. Being in just one person’s head is difficult!

I don’t do New Year’s Resolutions but if I did, I would resolve to get a book sold this year.

bookmark_borderWriting Freely

No, not freewriting. I gave up on that for the most part. Spent more time analyzing than writing.

No, I mean writing freely, just starting with a plot thought and running with it. Like I used to. No going back over it and editing, just….moving along the conveyor belt that is the story.

To that end, I wrote over 3000 words today. Go ahead, say wow. Feel free to toss an ‘amazing’ or two.

What story did I start? Would you believe a brand spankin’ new one? Mostly. Consider it backstory for one of my SFs I got burbling on the back burner. I like it much.

The craft, as it had been for a long time as a scout Class IX Zenith, was on auto pilot. Eventually it and its tortured crew passed beyond the signal wave. It had dedicated most of its power and capabilities to various scientific studies during this time as it had been instructed to do. As power was automatically diverted back to various systems, the medical emergency protocols were engaged as the medical computer detected the intense mental and physical stress of everyone on board. Medical emergency protocols typically were engaged by a member of the crew, not by the ship itself but there were a sub-set of protocols that had been made for such an event where the entire crew were incapacitated. This sub-routine was engaged.

The First Medical Officer was located by the mobile bio-medic. A quick scan indicated the presence of physical pain and a medication was administered followed by the turning on of her internal nanites. Naddoc groaned and rolled over. The first thing she saw was the small bio-medic. It’s presence told her several things before the small robot spoke. It gave her, in a quiet, quick speech, the essentials of the crew as a whole.

“Engage Medical Emergency Protocol. Name: Chaos. Level:…” she paused and looked around. Two crewmembers near her were beginning to move but did not seem capable of much else. “Level: 8. Repeat.”

“Engage Medical Emergency Protocol. Chaos Level 8.” The bio-medic repeated back to her.

“Accepted. Begin.”

By the time she felt well enough to stand, every crewmember except her and the captain had been put into bio-tubes. The tubes would have been connected to the nearest terminals and the basic medical needs of the crew were being met. If any of them were experiencing life-threatening conditions or were beyond the capabilities of the non-medical terminals they were attached to, the pod would be taken to the infirmary and connected to terminals there. The Captain, if she had complied and followed the protocol, would be on a bio-bed in the infirmary. The pods containing the other First Officers would have been moved to the infirmary for her to check immediately, after any life threatening patients were seen to.

Naddoc slowly made her way across the room and into the hallway. Along the way, she glanced at the bio-pods and was pleased to see so many still in place. There were enough terminals in the infirmary for every crewmember if necessary but the more that were in the hallways, the less work it meant for her.

“Doc, about time you got your feathers in here.” The Captain, laying down on the bio-bed, grunted without opening her eyes.

“Speak softly, please.” Naddoc leaned against the bed and pulled the screen toward her. “Condition?”

I know, I know, VERY rough but that’s okay. I like that. I like that raw feeling of just simply writing freely. Letting the words form on the screen.

I call this story Watchers as that is what they are doing.

And I hate coming up with alien names. Because, you know, they aren’t going to be named Margaret and Liz or even Emily. And I won’t do the alien names full of apostrophes either. Like E’that or M’that. So I got Flex and Naddoc and Cam and Beft and Maht. And a lot of red lines in the document since I’ve not started a WIP specific dictionary yet.

bookmark_borderEditing Continues

I realized I’d not posted in a while. Not since I went off and ranted on a few things. Nothing like gaining friends that way, eh?

Anyway, edits on Simple Sarah continue. To recap, I printed it all out (402 pages) and went through it to edit. I then started inputting those edits including hacking off bits and chunks. It ended at 121,103 and, right now, sits at 118,457 and 393 pages. I’m at a place where I’m having to pause and think and it will result first in a huge hack of words but then some other words put into its place.

It is going much slower than I thought it would. I had some issues I needed to iron out. And even still, there’s a few places where I have just decided to leave in and worry about later based on beta reader opinion and, perhaps even later if it sells, the editor’s opinion.

My goal is to get this damn thing done by this weekend. My self-imposed goals were not realistic but I learned a lot from them. I still want to get two BG books out this year but I will be happy to get one written and edited and sent and get the other at least written. I’ll re-evaluate that as soon as Simple Sarah is out of here.

bookmark_borderPaper Edits

I finished the edits already. Now to enter them and other changes into the manuscript. After that is done, I’ll send it off to the Beta Readers.

Over all, I really like this book. It has some issues here and there that I think I can fix or I can get good suggestions from the Beta Readers.

Speaking of which, any one want to be one? A Beta Reader, that is?


Sarah waited for the others to finish the preparations for the trip to Whitehaven. She reflected on how far she had come since she had left what seemed to be a lifetime ago. How she had changed during that time. She was more sure of herself, for one. Her faith had gotten stronger and she had no doubt Abbess Irys would be proud of her.

“I left Whitehaven to join the ranks of Servants in the best way I could. I was a simple leather crafter’s daughter. Now I am a Keeper, chosen by the goddess. Me. Sarah, daughter to Eliza.” Sarah whispered.

The Freakin’ End

121,103 words. 402 pages w/ .5″ margins.

(picture me with a glass of ice tea in one hand and 3 Musketeers bar in the other)

(to hell with glucose levels. I’m celebratin’!)

bookmark_borderAlmost There

I am now over 115,000 words and still going. I am almost there, though. I’m not changing the word count goal. It will end when it is finished and not because I am over or under an arbitrary number.

Real Life has been getting in the way but hopefully I’ve got the madness down to where I can manage it AND write. I hate it when I can only done one or the other, not both.

bookmark_borderCelebration, but not The End

Well, I just went over 100,000 words for this WIP. But I’m not at The End yet. So I moved my goal to 115,000 and am still writing.

Today is my self-imposed deadline to get it finished. I don’t think I will reach The End today but that’s fine. I am more certain now how I will get there and it is just a matter of writing it out.

bookmark_borderJust Say The End, dangit!

I am barely 7000 words from my goal. Yet, there it sits. I know, now, I think, maybe, where the end will happen. It will take many more words than those 7000 and that’s just fine. A lot from the beginning will face the chopping block and come out the loser.

The end will be the conclusion of the cliffhanger I mentioned earlier. It will end with survival but with the big “Now What?” question hanging. Just enough to entice the reader to be interested in Book Two but not so much that Elena will hurt me.

I’ve not written much in the past few days. I just feel as if my time is up and I still have a lot to say. Annoying.


Simple Sarah is now over 70K words! I want it to get to no less than 100K before I say “The End”.

It is progressing nicely. Editing will be easy-ish I think. This is a book I have written and rewritten so many times a’ready, ya know?

Thing is, at 70K, I am not very far into the book, story wise. There’s still a lot to go. I am now rethinking of where the stopping point will be. Since it is Book One, I am wanting to end it nicely but at a spot where folks will want to figure out what will happen next.

I know the graph on the side says “Trilogy” but I am thinking it will be only two books. The middle one was to be Lea’s story in the form of storytelling as they travel along. But it’s a bad idea. Instead, it may wind up being just two books with Lea’s story standing on its own. I will have to advise readers of the chronological order vs order it should be read.

Details! The devil is in ’em. And I hate it.

During editing, I will be working on the synopsis. I hate synopsiseseses, too. If I had to do a synopsis now, it would be far too long and not say much but say everything. And I have to do it right because synopsises tend to be what is put on the back of the book to entice the reader to fork over nearly $17.

bookmark_borderThis and That

Let’s see….

Simple Sarah, Book One of the (insert something witty and catchy here) Series is currently over 46K words. Not quite halfway but close enough. I’m writing roughly between 500-1500 words a day on it. Some days I get over 2000, other days I don’t get anything. I hit my writing peak at around 7pm, right when Precious wants me to watch television with her. She has a point, though. Our DVR is full right now! I need to sit down one day and watch a ton of Ellen DeGeneres shows.

Joella is doing well. Not happy with the restrictions. She can’t go out back down the cool dog ramp yet. We may try it tomorrow because she’s driving us nuts. The splint has moved and we go tomorrow to get them to change it.

My blood glucose charts look like log ride. Up and down. I have built in “cheats” to my diet to help stave off the frustration. Usually, they don’t make that big a difference in the numbers. I’m slowly learning what makes the blood glucose go up and what doesn’t.

It got over 50F here today! The big pile of ice between our two cars actually melted today. We were picking up some of the sticks that have fallen but there were a lot still frozen to the ground or had snow or ice on them. We could see where frost had uplifted and left things displaced. We got a used chipper the other week and finally were able to crank it up and use it some. We’ve got piles of sticks everywhere and now we can get rid of them without burning! Yay!

That’s it for now. How are y’all doing?