
Haven’t gotten any writing done today. Instead, we made a dump run then pigged out at Waffle House. When we got home, and let the food settle, Lorna mowed the dog lot and I started cleaning up the corner of the living room. I need to get all of my ham stuff together so I know what I need to put it all in.

But all the bending over, bending my head, etc, well, now I got a killer headache. Its starting to let go so perhaps I will survive yet again. Anyway, I found and uploaded more of my non-fiction articles (see the link above). Let me know what you think, if you want to.


Still plugging along. I did a 1K+ article today for EDSToday. Later I did some more work on ‘The Truck Stop’. I renamed ‘Idea2’ to ‘The Guide’ but I don’t know if it will stick.

In Real Life I am working on putting a screen door on the back door. We keep it open in warm weather so the dogs can take themselves out. I can only do a little bit at a time so I’ve got little of it done. First the old one had to come down. Then its frame. Then I had to cut part of the new door so the screening could be slit high enough. Today I trimmed the parts I cut off to form a kind of brace. The door needs to be cut down due to the doorway not being square. Heck, it’s not even close! Anyway, one step at a time.

PS – I am posting some of my non-fiction articles that have appeared in EDSToday. I have her permission to do so.

bookmark_borderGrowing Count

Wow. Did some more today. So far 506! I may get more done later. I am like, you know, so psyched!

WHOO HOO!! I DID go back to writing later! Wow! I have a grand total of 1,986 for the day! I feel GOOD!! I dropped in at FM chat room and got into two word wars. It felt good to just write. Maybe I remember how to do this after all.

bookmark_borderTake a Guess

Guess what?? Come on, guess!! I got 677 words done tonight! Ain’t that just fantastic??!!

I am working on ‘Truck Stop’ right now. Just writing, not thinking all that much on particulars. The goal is word count.

In Real Life, it is hot and humid and I am surprised I was able to get that much done!

bookmark_borderLong Time No Blog

OH MY GOSH!! Its been almost a month! Worse yet, I got diddly-squat to show for it!

I am finally home, though. I had a wonderful time with my family. But it is good to be home. I am still struggling to get back into writing. I stare at the stuff I have, try to start something new, write a few paragraphs then realize it is all crap. I WANT to write, its just that nothing comes out. Know what I mean?

My plan is to get my alleged duff back into its alleged gear. Any ideas??