bookmark_borderEgo tripping

Just doing some site maintenance, hope I’m not bothering you.

Let’s see: Awesome Blogs ratings for Total Hits Out (meaning # times someone clicked to come here from there) for all listed (66) blogs… #1 slot is THOUGHT PATTERNS. Oops, sorry, did my yelling startle you? Sorry, I’ll try to be quiet-er.

Now, where were I? Oh, yes, Awesome Blogs Total Pageviews (not sure what that means) for the personal blogs…Thought Patterns is #9 with 337. Not bad! Mmm, Top 100 Bloggers site, listing of Total Hits Out for all bloggers…Thought Patterns is #9. Not bad either! Total Hits out for Personal blogs…Got #5 slot there.

The others aren’t doing so well, but they are also much larger so that’s to be expected. Blog Charts has 155 now. WordPress Top Sites is up to 325; 259 of them are classified as ‘personal’.

Do a search in Google for Thought Patterns and this site comes up as #3. Search for my name and the 18 of the first 20 relate to me. (Nods to the others in KY and TN.) Doing this search is a good idea according to Writers Digest since it keeps you aware of what of yours isn’t anymore.

This interests me because not only is it statistics, which I love, but it also shows me that this site is being read. Why would I care? Obviously I do or I wouldn’t have a public online blog, now would I?? But why? Initially it was to give myself a routine and some sort of accountability. Then it got to where I wanted to show how an insane lesbian book writing crip can actually survive in this crazy world. The only term that may not apply is the insane part. I don’t think I truly qualify. I am clinically depressed, whatever exactly that means. I am on medication for that. But am I insane?? Okay, maybe just a little.

bookmark_borderSoulmate Anniversary

On June 23rd, 1990, I got on the train and went from New Jersey to downtown Philadelphia. It was my first train ride. I hadn’t a clue where I was going, only knew I took this train and was supposed to get off at 8th and Market.

I did that, got there a little early, sat on a big cement planter and watched the people go by. One of them might be Lorna. Somehow, I knew which one was her. I saw her coming down the sidewalk, wearing slacks, loafers, and a maroon button up shirt. She looked so old! It’ll never work. (she was 38)

Lorna saw me get off the planter and start toward her. I was wearing jeans, high top sneakers and a white t-shirt. She thought: “She looks so young! It’ll never work.” (I was 25)
Continue reading “Soulmate Anniversary”

bookmark_borderEditing Services

Writer’s Relief, Inc. – Proofreading

If you’re a do-it-yourselfer and are interested in having us help you prepare your work, we still may be able to help you. We know what agents and editors want, and their tired eyes will be more receptive to error-free, properly-formatted pages. We’ll also do a final proofing and line editing for things you missed. Utilize our expertise. We’ll charge you a reasonable per page rate.

Their prices are listed on that page.


AgentQuery :: Find the Agent Who Will Find You a Publisher

Agent Query offers the largest most current
searchable database
of literary agents on the web%u2014a treasure trove of reputable, established literary agents seeking writers just like you. And it’s free (not because there’s a catch, but simply because not enough things in this world are free). READ MORE…

Did a Fiction Genre Search, using their Gay and Lesbian selection. It came up with 12 agents who take on clients who write fiction for/about Gays and Lesbians. Then, using a Full Search using keyword: romance; genre: G&L; and actively seeking clients. I got four results.

For example, one of those, Lisa Van Auken, peaked my interest. Agent Query has even more information about that agent, which is good, since I could then read that she is not interested in fantasy. Since I hope to push Sarah and Lea soon, that wouldn’t be good. Daniel Lazar will do fantasy and GLBT but not romance.

I like being able to look them up and narrow it down. Since I am working within a rather specific area, it does indeed narrow the choices. But do I even want an agent? Why would I want one? Do I want one now or later? Would it hurt my career any to push both my first book as well as search for an agent? Or do I get an agent and then the book or book then agent?



I often wonder of the concept of ‘electronic publishing’. For example, a wonderful women’s press, Artemis Press, is primarily an e-book publisher.

We now offer our e-book titles in HTML and Rocket Edition formats, in addition to our Acrobat Reader PDF e-books and our Palm e-book editions!! You can also purchase our e-books as Print-On-Demand paperbacks! For our original fiction e-books, please visit our Fiction Titles page. In our classics section, you will find e-book editions of classic works by Edith Wharton, Jane Austen, Charlotte Bronte and George Eliot.

They claim to pay more in royalties than regular print publishing. And, the main reason I am considering it, is that they really really want lesbian romance.

Immediate Needs:

Women- and lesbian-centered Science Fiction
Lesbian Romance
Lesbian Romance
Lesbian Romance! (Where are all the romance stories???)
Mystery, Detective
Teen/Young Adult fiction

But there is something that feels, at least to me, lacking in legitimacy if it is an e-book. That the writing was too bad for the ‘real’ publishers to read it. Now, I know that is not true, but that is how it feels. I have bought several e-books, mostly weird erotica (I read them for research!) but I don’t know if I would buy one of Jane Rule’s books as an e-book. I like holding a book in my hand.

They are also looking for short stories, so maybe I’ll work on that. Like I said, Artemis Press has been around a loooong time and is well respected.

bookmark_borderBeta Readers

With BGCFA ready for whatever, I am again looking for Beta Readers.

Beta Readers are folks who read the work over, giving feedback on whatever fits them best. From critiquing to editing to just simply readability opinions. I am not, however, looking for readability opinions that range along the line of “It’s good! I liked it!” but more along the lines of “The middle is very weak and although I didn’t skip ahead, I wanted to”.

If interested, you will need to read and respond within seven days of receiving your copy. My self-imposed deadline extends to you, too. 😀 You must also promise to not share the copy with anyone, as I’d be really pissed beyond your wildest nightmares if I saw it published without my name on it. It’s not a contract kind of thing, more along the lines of a gentlewoman’s agreement.

BGCFA is a lesbian romance. That means its got lesbians in it. If that bothers you, don’t ask to become a beta reader. It also means it is a romance. Its got kissin’ and, well, a couple of scenes that’ll make ya blush. (but it is not anywhere near an erotica!!) That means that these romantic scenes happen between women. Again, if that bothers you, don’t ask.

If this manuscript wasn’t so far along, I wouldn’t be anywhere near as picky.

If you are interested, comment to this post, use the contact form, or simply email me at paula at

bookmark_borderSpace Cam?

NASA Successfully Demonstrates Innovative Nanosatellite System

Work on the volleyball-sized Miniature Autonomous Extravehicular Robotic Camera (Mini AERCam) moved forward with successful initial tests on its docking system. The Mini AERCam is designed to help astronauts and ground crews see outside the spacecraft during a mission. During ground-based testing, the device was able to work with the docking system that serves as an exterior home base for housing and refueling the nanosatellite.

I am drooling over the possibilities of this in Science Fiction novels.

bookmark_borderCrap: Solar Sail Lost in Space?

Wired News: Solar Sail Lost in Space?

The $4 million Cosmos 1 spacecraft blasted off atop a converted Russian missile at approximately 12:46 p.m. Pacific Time on Tuesday, but ground tracking stations failed to pick up its signal after an initial burst
of data, according to mission controllers.

bookmark_borderLions Know

Lions Rescue, Guard Beaten Ethiopian Girl | My Way News

The girl, missing for a week, had been taken by seven men who wanted to force her to marry one of them, said Sgt. Wondimu Wedajo, speaking by telephone from the provincial capital of Bita Genet, about 350 miles southwest of Addis Ababa.

She was beaten repeatedly before she was found June 9 by police and relatives on the outskirts of Bita Genet, Wondimu said. She had been guarded by the lions for about half a day, he said.

“They stood guard until we found her and then they just left her like a gift and went back into the forest,” Wondimu said.