bookmark_borderNational Idiot

See the counter in the sidebar? The one on the top? Cool, eh?

Get one yourself from Backwards

Somehow, seeing those numbers, makes me feel a little better about this silly situation this nation is in. Just a little.

bookmark_borderTitle Says It All


BERLIN (Reuters) – A Bavarian village was flooded by liquid pig manure after a tank containing the fertilizer burst, German police said Wednesday.

Sewage rose to 20 inches in the courtyards and streets of Elsa after gushing from the tank, which held some 240,000 litres of pig manure.

“The village was swamped with green-brown liquid and it was pig manure — the mother-of-all muck,” said Rainer Prediger, a police spokesman in the nearby town of Coburg.

From MyWay News

bookmark_borderIf Eye Were Me

Went to the doc this mornin’ at 8-freakin’-45 a.m.

He gave it the generic tag of conjunctivitis and prescribed an antibiotic ointment. Altho conjunctivitis is viral, they have found that an antibiotic helps with the symptoms.

The swelling is worse today and I have this Neanderthal look going. My eye lid is puffy near my nose which makes my eyebrow look bigger. There is also some swelling below the eye as well. Whoopee. Doc didn’t say anything about resting it or whatever. So I’ll be writing today.

My pharmacy didn’t have the ointment so I have to wait until tomorrow to start it.

I’ve been going to MAHEC for so long that most of the staff know me and Joella. So when I came in at 8:45 (shudder) several of them quickly asked if I needed any help. They figured if I was there that early I must really be sick.

bookmark_borderSolar Sailing

There was a post on Slashdot pertaining to Solar Sails and the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL).

That article led me to the Planetary Society’s web page that discusses the solar sail project, Cosmos 1 that never reached orbit due to rocket failure. (one of the many Russian failed launches).

I returned to the Slashdot article and went to Andy’s Brain site where they have an interview with JPL concerning solar sails.

I visit JPL’s website so often I have it memorized ( how difficult is that??) so I went there next. As always I love to get lost in their site. I went to the section for Science and Research. I resisted the urge to wander through the image archives and instead followed a link to the NASA Scientific and Technical Information (STI) section.

Wow, you want NASA, JPL, space, etc. technical information? That’s the place to go. WhooHoo! I know, I’m a geek and damn proud of it. Some of the papers are available on-line (mostly as .pdf’s) but many you have to order. They also have links to many periodicals. Oh, and while browsing the main page, I found a link for Acronym Listings. It will help with the alphabet soup.

Solar Sails are an interesting method to cross the universe. This is the stuff fiction came up with decades ago.

Oh, and don’t forget about’s Science of Fiction.

bookmark_borderEye Eye Captain

Will Riker. Sheesh. Well, I did tie with Deanna Troi so perhaps.

I’ve not really been a fan of fanfic but a story about Troi and Dr. Crusher, well, I’d read that!

Okay, back to earth, P.

Anyway, I thought my eye was better so I wrote a crapload of words last night (2634). I finally got to where I could have the first sex scene so I inserted one I’d written earlier during a freewrite. This makes the final count of BG3 rise significantly to stand at 31697. I really like how this story is going. At first I was afraid the constant arguing between the two MCs would get to be too much but there’s enough other stuff going on that it doesn’t feel painful. ‘Sides, they don’t fight all the time. They just found out that sex beats fighting any day. :naughty:

However, my eye decided to be a pain again (literally) and today is all gross again. Whoopee. Reckon I oughta go see a doc about it, eh?

bookmark_borderStar Trek Character

Your results:
You are Will Riker

Will Riker
Deanna Troi
James T. Kirk (Captain)
Geordi LaForge
Leonard McCoy (Bones)
Mr. Scott
Beverly Crusher
Jean-Luc Picard
Mr. Sulu
An Expendable Character (Redshirt)
At times you are self-centered
but you have many friends.
You love many women, but the right
woman could get you to settle down.

Click here to take the Star Trek Personality Test

bookmark_borderCheney Jokes

From CripHumor:

Dick Cheney’s excuse for shooting 78 year old Austin Lawyer. [from Late Night with David Letterman] “Until Democrats approve Medicare reform, we have to make some tough choices for the elderly”

Well, at least one thing good came out of this…. we now know how they work:
Not only will this Administration take away your pension and your Social Security check, they will even shoot you in the face!

A woman with a look of fear and concern on her face sits in a blue overstuffed chair as she listens to a voice on the telephone. She has a white dress on with the words that name her as Disability Rights  Through the receiver she hears, Vice President Cheney wants to know if you’d like to join him on his next hunting trip?