bookmark_borderWriting Words

Got some work done tonight. Not much but it felt good. A lot of dialogue which is common for me. The two characters have met and are doing the dance. I am sooo glad I am not dating again. Ever.

I feel the need to describe a lot of stuff such as Harri’s garage. But how to do it and put the reader there at the same time? Ya know? Like, the garage has five bays and the office is between the third and fourth.

At any rate, I can’t seem to stay awake much past midnight. Then I nap during the day, hitting my drowsiest right before Sophia comes on line. I got a bad case of “nap-attack-ism”.

From Writertopia

bookmark_borderMelting Away

From Science Daily:

Fabled Equatorial African Icecaps To Disappear

Fabled equatorial icecaps will disappear within two decades, because of global warming, a study British and Ugandan scientists has found. In a paper to be published 17 May in Geophysical Research Letters, they report results from the first survey in a decade of glaciers in the Rwenzori Mountains of East Africa. An increase in air temperature over the last four decades has contributed to a substantial reduction in glacial cover, they say.

The glaciers were first surveyed a century ago when glacial cover over the entire range was estimated to be 6.5 square kilometers [2.5 square miles]. Recent field surveys and satellite mapping of glaciers conducted by researchers from University College London, Uganda’s Makerere University, and the Ugandan Water Resources Management Department show that some glaciers are receding tens of metres [yards] each year and that the area covered by glaciers halved between 1987 and 2003. With less than one square kilometer [half a square mile] of glacier ice remaining, the researchers expect these glaciers to disappear within the next twenty years.

full article

bookmark_borderStraight, Not Narrow

I was pointed toward another blog today. “Straight, Not Narrow” is maintained by Jim Johnson. He sent me an email about wanting to share links. I checked out the site and added it to my BlogRoll.

Advocating for GLBT equality in the church and politics. This site has been viewed by open-minded people with open hearts in 79 nations on 6 continents! I belong to the Washington, DC chapter of PFLAG and Equality Maryland.

His May 10th post concerning Mary Cheney and her new book caught my attention. In it, he quotes others but then adds his own comments:

I have not read her book yet, but I think both Sullivan and Besen make good points. Cheney could be a very positive role model and spokesperson for GLBT issues, but I also understand those who resent the fact that she waited until she was selling a book to speak out. It does make one think that at least part of her motivation is to draw attention to herself and her book.

The bottom line, at least in my view, is that the GLBT community would be wise to put resentment aside and welcome Mary Cheney’s support. With opposition to GLBT equality so loud and well-financed, any high profile ally, regardless of their motivation, is a good thing.

I think I could grow to like this fella!

bookmark_borderBeep Blip Tweeter

Your results:
You are R2-D2

What you lack in height
and communication skills,
you make up for in industriousness,
technical know-how and being there
when others need you most.

R2-D2 – 79%
Luke Skywalker – 69%
Yoda – 68%
An Ewok – 64%
Han Solo – 63%
Chewbacca – 62%
C-3PO – 58%
Obi-Wan Kenobi – 57%
Jar Jar Binks – 57%
Qui-Gon Jinn – 56%

(This list displays the top 10 results out of a possible 21 characters)

Click here to take the Star Wars Personality Quiz

bookmark_borderHappy Mothers’ Day

Thought I’d re-post the prose I wrote last year.

So, called your Mama yet?

Called your Mama yet?
The woman that birthed you?
Had labor for 48hrs in a
snow storm/thunder storm/heat wave/insert-appropriate-cataclysm
while stuck in rush hour traffic?

Twice a year, maybe three,
Mama expects to hear from you.
Mother’s Day, her birthday,
and maybe at Christmas.

Called your Mama yet?
The one that picked you out
from all the others
on the orphanage list?

The one that waited
for the court to decide
who was your mama,
who was family.

Called your Mama yet?
the one that lived down the street
the one that you went to
with questions and problems

Called your Mama yet?
Both of them?
The woman that birthed you
and the woman that married her?

Mama – she who patched your booboo
she who said your clothes didn’t match
who said your hair was perfect
and that pimple didn’t show.

bookmark_borderTwisted Day

I had a twisted day yesterday. It was just overall weird and ended in near tragedy. I am still recovering, mentally and physically, but it may take a day or two.

The short of it is three of the dogs were out with Lorna and two headed off. One came back but the missing one was Joella. The idea of her being taken or worse, hit by a car, was just too much for me. Jo is with me nearly 24hrs a day. Losing her…well, let’s not go there.

She came home about 2hrs or so later. She was wet from the chest down and covered in thorns. We’ve realized that if she wasn’t taken, then she chose to ignore our calling and driving around and around. That hurts almost as much. I knew it was a problem she had but this… There is the possibility she was lost or tangled up somewhere, given the amount of thorns we pulled off her.

So anyway, I am still raw from the idea she was gone. No writing from me until I feel more creative.

bookmark_borderEh, Not Really

I did manage to get some writing in today. Not much though. If I had counted all the words I wrote then erased, I’d have a higher end count!

So far, the two MCs haven’t met but I’ve set it up for them to. It is Sunday (in the book) and they will meet Monday afternoon, maybe Tuesday. Once they meet, perhaps it will go faster.

I am still excited about it but seem to keep stumbling over words. I have this insane urge to get it right instead of fixing stuff later in edit. While that may seem sane to some writers, it isn’t for me. I want to get the first draft done, ugly moles and all. I can do plastic surgery on it later. Ya know?

At any rate, it’s time I hit the sack, the hay, the bed, the sheets, whatever form works best for you. Does it make it easier to know I usually sleep in the nude? Now, can’t you just picture that? Kinda gross, ain’t it? 😀

Don’t worry, I use a sheet.

bookmark_borderResearch Says…

Lesbians’ brains respond like straight men

From CNN:

WASHINGTON (AP) — Lesbians’ brains react differently to sex hormones than those of heterosexual women, new research indicates.

That’s in line with an earlier study that had indicated gay men’s brain responses were different from straight men — though the difference for men was more pronounced than has now been found in women.

Lesbians’ brains reacted somewhat, though not completely, like those of heterosexual men, a team of Swedish researchers said in Tuesday’s edition of Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

A year ago, the same group reported findings for gay men that showed their brain response to hormones was similar to that of heterosexual women.

full article

To quote someone else respond to this article:

I could shown them the same research results for the price of a meal for 6 dykes at Hooters.

bookmark_borderThe Company We Keep

I didn’t get much done today in terms of writing. I had company of sorts.

Samson is a four or five day old kitten that was found in a burning pile of brush. He is strong and not ill, just a little singed on his face and front feet. No one knows where the mother is so the woman who found him is having to hand feed him every three hours. She has to work though so today I kept him with me.

As long as he stays healthy, he should make it. Although it will be touch and go for quite a while. His eyes aren’t even open yet!

At any rate, I only got 345 new words today. I am still excited about it which feels good.

From Writertopia