bookmark_borderAt The Con

And having a blast!

I’ve been busy, too. I have volunteered to help with several things ranging from stuffing the registration packets to folding programs for Saturday’s events to working the registration table to…. well, several things. I’ve also signed several books, much to my embarrassment. And, of course, I’ve been to several workshops which were interesting, but not as interesting as I’d hoped they would be. Could be I was not in the right frame of mind, ya know?

I had lunch with THE Lee Lynch and her Sweetie. And THE Katherine Forrest joined us, which was cool. After Katherine left (she had to prepare for her workshop), Lee and Sweetie presented me with gifts. A copy of The Swashbuckler and The Old Studebaker. Both signed, of course. And then a Waterman pen. Lee felt that every author should have a Waterman pen. I felt honored. I still feel honored.

Later, I attended the Coffee Chat with THE Lee Lynch and Jess Wells. I’d never heard of her, but that’s not a rare thing. We’ve been out the lesfic loop for too long. But that’s another story. Jess Wells seems like a cool person and I will be getting her book, Mandrake Broom, soon. I had already reached my spending quota for books.

At any rate, I’ll do linkages later. It is after 10pm here, 1am at home, and my brain and body has begun to slow down for the day.

More later!