Too Many?

I am beginning to feel I have too many irons in the not so proverbial fire. I have a lot of projects – the ones I write something in with at least once a week (UHauls and Toaster Ovens, ‘Airport’, ‘Idea2’ and ‘Scholarly Ways’); ones I am editing (Wayback and Simple Sarah); and then there are the ones that I play around with sometimes (Predictable World and Look Left…).

But I am loving it. I like having so much to do, so much for my brain to wrap itself around and digest. This editing process of Simple Sarah, which I am doing with more seriousness and enthusiasm than Wayback, is teaching me a lot about not only my writing style, but about the process of preparing a manuscript for submission. Simple Sarah has a good chance of making it. The ending needs some major work, but I am getting there.

I went to the library yesterday, the main one downtown, and got some interesting books for me to study: Fiction, The Art and Craft of Writing and Getting Published by Micheal Seidman; Writing the Breakout Novel by Donald Maass; and The Joy of Writing Sex by Elizabeth Benedict. And the other day I picked up two books by Stephen Hawking: The Nature of Space and Time (which is way way over my head) and The Universe in a Nutshell. I am taking my day and dividing it into usuable blocks such as in the morning I do other things such as the paper edit of Simple Sarah, read the books, and do some research. In the evenings I do my writing. This seems to be keeping me on a schedule I can handle yet still feel like I am being pushed.

Updated the Count page. I also added a page where I will put my little ‘freewriting’ exercises I do to get me started. Mostly they are very short essays I suppose.

In Real Life I saw my GP yesterday and we discussed the sleep study results and my headaches and other stuff like that. The good news is that the Periodic Leg Movement Disorder (PLM) was ‘cured’ by the use of the CPAP machine, the bad news is that I have it. Another good news is that when I see her in three months, if my BP is still so wonderfully low, we will begin tapering off on my meds in hopes that the CPAP is helping with that as well. I will never be off those meds, but even just a little less each day will make a difference. On the flip side (I wonder how many young folks even know what the phrase means??) I start a new med for the headaches. Keeps the world balanced I guess.