Busy Busy Busy

My what a busy day! First, we didn’t believe Lorna would get done with work soon enough to make neither the hamfest nor going to Maryville. Then, she did get done in time so we hit the road to try and get both in. Traffic on I40 going over to TN was horrendous. We barely made it to the hamfest! There was no way we could get to Maryville and home all in the same day. Instead, we went ‘adventuring’ which translates into ‘let’s go down this road to see where it goes’. We wound up somehow at Max Patch and then over to Hot Springs and finally back home. Took us about three hours. Got home and collapsed! I have since been updating the paulaoffutt site and making it accessible and purty.

Haven’t gotten any writing done today again. But I did see some things on our ‘adventure’ today that has me thinking.