Writing Ham?

Got some good writing done yesterday! I didn’t think I would but around 11:30pm, it just starting rolling out. Long Lea (LL) is coming along nicely and I am happy with it so far. It still doesn’t look as if this one will be as large as Simple Sarah (SS) but who knows? Writing LL is my way of getting into rewriting SS. I will most likely submit SS first then later LL or perhaps both at once. Who the heck knows?

LL is taking longer because I am kind of re-reading what I did the day before as well as doing research. This timeline thing is going to either kill me or make me stronger, I am not sure which and I am not sure which is better.

In Real Life, not much going on. This identity theft thing is a big pain since my soon to be former bank still has not sent the PIN to the new cards. A lesson we learned is that we need CASH on hand at all times. We used to, then the ease of the debit cards took control. I find that I am getting back into the ham radio habit, I mean hobby. I only have the one rig in the truck right now but hopefully that will change in September. There is a huge hamfest in Shelby then and I hope to save up enough to get the Yaesu FT-897 (insert Tim Taylor grunt) or perhaps the Icom 706 alphabet-soup but most likely the Yaesu. Donations accepted.