
I had hoped to get to bed the same day I got up but the dogs had other ideas. Two are in but the others are all still out there somewhere, annoying me by not coming back. If it were warmer, the back door would be open and getting them in would not be an issue. However, I have this aversion to snow in my kitchen and frost on the faucet. Silly of me, I know.

I am feeling better, at least better than I did yesterday/last night/this morning/whenever. I was able to eat dinner (easy chinese food) and it settled nicely.

Got the first chapter of Butch Girls down so pretty! I let Lorna read the three different versions of it and she liked it best and had some good ideas. Tomorrow I’ll add those details in. [She and I worked on character development this evening. It was good to sit and talk to each other vs me on the computer, her in a book, and the dogs demanding both of whatever else we have left over.] The other beginning chapters are looking just as good. I’m considering bringing in Grace earlier but maybe not.

Anyway, the last of the critters are in, the head count is done, and I am actually going to be before 12:10. Have I been taken over by aliens???!!!