Damn Country Living

We decided today that is was a good thing we don’t have a grenade. We would have tossed it into the pump house already.

Got the pump hooked up to the tank. Got the pipe going into the reservoir hooked to the pump. We were feeling good. We were thinking we were on our way to taking a shower. And then all the fun ended.

Remember that pipe I broke? The one that goes from the pump to the house? Well, we got it reset where it enters the pump house. However, with the pump being a difference size than the old one, the angle has changed just enough that we cannot get the pipe from the pump and the pipe out of the ground to connect. We finally went to Lowes and got a black flexible pipe and the connectors. Cool we thought. But the black pipe isn’t flexible enough to make the bend we need it to. And, being so eager to get it done, we went ahead and glued on the connections. Which means we are stuck this way. Tomorrow I’ll put the black pipe in water to heat it up so it can bend better. We don’t even have a blow dryer that we can use to heat it up with.

Writing? What’s that? The one good thing about this adventure is that I am getting good fodder for Butch Girls.