Theme Switcher

Kinda tired of coming over here and not knowing what you will find?

No problem!

On one of the sidebars you will see a long list. So far, I have all of them ready to roar from the first down to, and including, Gila, the theme you’ve been seeing the most.

What happens is that the Theme Switcher will want to put a cookie on your puter. If you don’t want it, that only means that the next time you come here, you will see whatever theme *I* have active. You’ll have to click on your favorite look again. You can allow or block the cookie through your browser.

The others past Gila work, they just don’t include all my stuff. Which may or maynot be a bad thing.


  1. Input your opinion here.

    I did the Spiderman one that seems to be the most popular by downloads/over 600 just on my site but also Sunset and the Alamo. Did not want to seem self serving so did not post back on wp.

    You have a lot of content here!!!! and thats a good thing.

  2. I loaded in all 3 and I’ll keep the Alamo. I’m still playing with the other two.


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