Cleaning: Day One

Ugh. I be tired.

We first went through the crap in the Cat Room (pun not intended) and cleared out a corner. Then we moved in the boxes of books still awaiting a home since this all began a number of years ago. Then we moved all my computer parts and all my ham gear in and put them in the Cat Room too. Then we cleaned up. Don’t sound like much but it is. I am exhausted.

But I did get a chance to book cover surf.

As I sat in the Cat Room taking a break, I looked over the only two bookshelves that actually hold books. The titles varied:

    Walking America
    The Frugal Gourmet Talks to American Immigrants
    The Story of O
    Alma Rose.

Eclectic readers? Yes. Avid readers? Yes. Good housekeepers? No.

At least I got to take breaks. Poor Lorna got worked hard! I ‘supervised’ a lot and she did all the lifting. To her credit, she took it all in stride and as far as I know, she threw nothing away that was off limits.

And what’s with the necessary ‘cleaning up’ after ‘cleaning up’?? We worked hard, moving stuff, sorting stuff, etc until it was all sorted and moved and etc. But then we had to move empty boxes, empty the trashcan, and sweep the foor.

If dust were valuable, we’d be rich. You know there’s too much dust when the dogs are sneezing and leaving the room.

So now I lay here with my woofer nearby, the hot water pump pad on my back and ice on my neck. Oh, and I am grudded doo. (drugged too)

I hope to get some editing in today although I doubt it. Maybe later when the drgus wears off.