
I recently got meself a printer (finally!!). I bought it from CompUSA whilst up Nawth.

It’s an HP which ticks me off but, since my brother recommended it since it’s the only one to survive the nuts at his workplace, I decided to get it. ‘It’ is a HP Officejet 6210 all-in-one. The feature I wanted the most was fast print speed. Second was a flat-bed scanner. Fax was low on the list but a bonus with this one. I went in to get an Epson but Kev talked me into this one. (feed tray is stand-up in the back which he says sucks)

Print speed was supposed to be 22 b/w ppm. On regular printing, I don’t think it reached it. 16 was what I counted once when really bored. However, I just printed out the latest section of BGCDA and wanted to do it in ‘draft’ mode. I found ‘fast normal’ and ‘fast draft’. I set it to fast draft. Wowzers! I think it spit out the 63 pages (1/5 inch margins) in like, well, fast! I am impressed. AND it didn’t over heat.

The scanner works as expected as does the copier. The feed tray is flat and at the front but doesn’t hold many pages (maybe 100??). The plus is that they are a cinch to remove, making the front flat.

The main problem I had was the software. I put it first on the laptop and had numerous errors. Finally went to their website and found several patches. Once they were in place, it worked. Keep in mind this is a relatively new printer, not one that’s been out for 6+mos.

Then when I got home and tried to put it on the desktop, the error count just kept piling up. I quit and didn’t get back to it for over a month. Went to their website again and saw that they had a ‘replacement CD’ you can download. The date was 4/05 (the same month I bought it) so I downloaded this HUGE file and the install went without a single hitch.

Now that I’ve had it a while, and now that it works on both ‘puters, even I have to agree it was a good purchase. Would I get another HP? Nope.