Submission Guidelines

BGCDA will be submitted first to Bella Books. Their guidelines say they accept manuscripts from 50,000 to 80,000 words. I just did some quick math, adding the numbers in the ‘count’ at the top of the sidebar, and it now stands at 62964. Which means just over 17K to go.

I sound so calm, don’t I?

On the one hand, 17K words seems so large. On the other hand, it’s a mere drop in the not-so-proverbial bucket. That means though, that I can now concentrate on heading for the finish line.

I sound so calm, don’t I?

And have I mentioned I am looking for a new title? Butch Girls just doesn’t fit it. Just what kind of title does one give a book about a fix-it lady and the two females (mom and daughter) that fix her?