Cheap words?

Quoting (vs stealing) from Georganna again:

Peanut Pay – In my never ending quest to find the best resources for writers, I lurk in the shadows of job listings, trying out the free services, taking advantage of trial memberships. You see few mentioned, for good reason. Last week I was invited to bid on a job that pays four cents a word, or as the employer liked to phrase it “$1 for 25 words”. The writing desired was quite specialized and called for unique skills and equipment. With this particular employment service, being invited meant the potential employer had read my resume and asked specifically if I would work for peanuts. It reminded me of an anonymous posting to the “writing jobs” section of Craig’s List

I have had several ezine articles published. I am fine with them being free or very low cost. Yesterday I received my check of $6.19 for my second Vision article and my essay in Muscadine Lines is online. My articles for EDSToday are done in exchange for a free subscription.

What these publishings have done for me is I get to see my work out of my reach, exposed to everyone else, and it makes the errors glaringly obvious. Amazing what you think of or the errors you see just after you hit the ‘send’ button on the email with your article attached.