
Meaning I got nothing done today. We both woke up with headaches and Lorna came back to bed after feeding the dogs. I woke up later and got up but felt like crap. She awoke much later and, despite feeling totally blechy, we decided going out to eat was easier than digging in the ‘fridge. By the time we got to Lenny’s Denny’s, her headache had become a migraine but luckily she’d already taken the appropriate measures.

We stopped at Kmart on the way home and I ‘ran’ in to see if they had my printer cartridge. The little shit at the register back in the electronics was far to busy talking to a friend to help me so I left. (the friend, by the way, had a lot of midriff showing, and really was not the type of body that should be revealing it.)

We came home, Lorna napped, I played a single computer game and fell asleep on the couch. She woke up, fed the dogs again, fed me later, and now is in bed again. I feel better though. She’s just wiped.

So see, I got diddlysquat done today.