“Advanced” Technology???

In the Darkover novels, by Marion Zimmer Bradley, a ship carrying the crew and a bunch of colonists crash on a planet after getting way off course. The ship has a huge computer database of not only how the ship works but also the stuff for the colonists ranging from how to plant corn to how to build a factory.

But the planet is severely lacking in natural resources, their chance of being found is nil, and there is no way they can maintain their level of technology. To keep from completely spoiling the books, the decision is made to destroy the computer set up. In one way, the colonists and crew are now saved from relying on technology they can never really use but they are also plunged into the most simple of civilizations. This all happens in the first book (chronologically): Landfall.

I have a WIP that runs along the same lines, minus the accidental getting lost and crashing bit but including massive database and colonists. There are two political and society parties – those who want the technology and those who say toss it. And its not just technology, but information of their past. The one group says they can get along without it and besides, technology is what got them into trouble the first time. The other group says that unless they keep it, they are bound to make the same mistakes.

On one side you have arcologists and communes and sustainability (which is mandatory for everyone) and careers ranging from biologists to farmer. On the other side you have networks and cyber cafes and digital libraries and careers ranging from computer geeks to historians to, well biologists and farmers.

This is the WIP I am doing the research (long live Wikipedia!!) for nanotechnology, symbiosis, political concepts and the societial impact of all of the above.

Which is why I am interested in these RFID tags. My bud Winston just had a post about this subject that reveals the reality of RFID implants into humans.

I like how he ends his post: Resist with all you have, for as long as you have it!

Whether you are for or against such technology, we all need to keep up to date on what ‘they’ are doing with them, why, and where.