Brain Flash

I had a sudden epiphany of what to do with BG2, aka UHauls. It will mean starting from scratch but I think I can handle that. I wanted to dive right into it tonight but realized it is after 2am.

I did take notes though. It is as if my brain resets the memory banks in the mornings and often it doesn’t recall them.

I made progress on The Graced today. Mostly edit-slash-rewrite-slash-reread. I am fixing stuff as I go, although I am not looking at every word and punctuation mark. Yuck. I have made some big changes there too but it feels much better.


  1. Just noticed the Countdown: thingy has quit. Is it broke or did it finally get to zero? What’s the status on that – or is that the one you’re redoing from scratch? You’re working on so many different things I don’t know how you keep them straight – I can’t.

  2. I don’t have any deadlines, self-imposed or otherwise.

    I’ll change the ‘progress report’ section to reflect what I am working on. Will that satisfy your brain? 😀

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