Deep Impact

I may have insomnia, but when I am asleep, I am almost impossible to wake back up. So although we had alarms set, I slept right through them and therefore missed the live viewing of Deep Impact.

However, the ‘net continues to spew out various views, opinions, and images of the event.

The Planetary Photo Journal at the Jet Propulsion Lab has a short movie of sorts (requires Quicktime).

The Astronomy Picture of the Day (APOD) has an image just 13sec after impact as well as just a few minutes before impact.

The Deep Impact Mission site has its own collection of images, both stills and Quicktime movies. Some of the movies are real, others are conceptual. The image gallery has images from a variety of sources, including images of the event from other spacecrafts.

Wikipedia has a growing article on the comet itself.