Despite Gaming Online

…I managed to get some writing in tonight.

I hung out at the FM Chat room for a bit as I wrote. I worked on BG3 and stared the rewrite/edit of The Graced (TG). Yeah, yeah, I know, I used the dreaded edit word again. But this one is different. I have not put myself on any time line so I can be more relaxed with it. TG, the first part of a trilogy, is short (under 70K) at the moment, but it has plenty o’ room for expansion.

I guess I got maybe 1500 words today, not sure. BG3 is up to over 10,800 words now. It is still going good. If I do good with Bella Books with BG1, then it needs to keep below 80K. Not too hard to do with this series.

I didn’t feel too good today so I was a slug. Our dryer had a heart attack (it is, afterall, over 12 years old) and I can’t order the parts until Friday. The noise had been getting worse until it sounded like it was, well, it was very loud. I’ve known what the problem was, I just didn’t want to take the dryer apart.

Since it is a stacked unit, it won’t be easy. The drum is supposed to come out from the top, but I don’t see how. Oh the fun of home ownership, eh? All of this is stuff I am collecting information on to use for one of my projects, UHauls.