My Poor Keyboard

…has taken a beating today. I think it kinda liked it though. Writing again feels so good, ya know?

I got 2575 new words in on the revised BG2. Wow. And I like it too! It is just flowing out of me, just like always. Nice to know I ain’t lost it!

Made a new page for the newest WIP, Butch Girls 3. Put two tiny little snippets in there. This early on in the process, there is no telling if those bits will stay the way they are written.

I didn’t work on anything else today. I took it easy due to some physical things (blah blah yada yada) but Lorna talked me into going out to dinner. Two old friends of ours was supposed to join us but they got their dates mixed up. I didn’t know all this since it was to be a surprise for me. ‘Tis my birthday soon.