Today’s Progress

Got some words in today. I cut a scene I’d written earlier today; it just didn’t seem to fit. It was out of character for the one chick.

The two MC’s (main characters) have just sat down to have coffee. They’ve just experienced something that has them both on odd footing. I need them to begin crossing that line between ‘hello, my name is…’ and go toward ‘hey, let’s date’.

Why am I writing another romance? Why aren’t I doing the rewrite for Lea and Sarah?

I dunno. I really don’t. Well, maybe. I guess a part of me is thinking that if the publisher likes the first Butch Girls, they may want more. I’d like to have them sitting there about ready to go.

But Harri and Liz (the two aforementioned MCs) are kinda boring/bored. Ellen and Nikki need to move on too so I might be switching between the two WIPs. Then there is Rain and UnNamedAsOfYet (she was named Jenny in the first one but I don’t like it. Too many –ee sounding names). Kelly and Grace are finished and happily enjoying a honeymoon in their new house. They’re looking forward to going to Robin’s in September. Then there is Kaye and Annette, the matriarchs who are demanding their story be told. So that is five in the Butch Girl ‘series’.

I wrote the first one in a month, during NaNo. I edited it from 1/05 to 7/05. Perhaps I need to make myself write the next one in a month as well.

But then there are Sarah and Lea…waiting…patiently…with a big goddess behind them…tapping her diety sized foot…should I be scared?