
Ever had one of those days? You know, where, like, nothing goes right?

I didn’t have one of those today. I just had ye plain old blech days. It’s not that everything did go right, nothing went wrong either. Just nothing happened that wasn’t blech. Didn’t feel good. Didn’t feel bad either. Didn’t get my errands run. Barely moved off the couch.

I was lazy today. But I also didn’t care that I was lazy.

Ah, never mind. Let’s just all agree I had a blech day and move on from here, shall we?

Did get some writing done tonight though. Just over 1K on BG2. I stared at it earlier today but couldn’t get it going. I had the two MCs dressed and ready to go, but I hadn’t a clue where they were going. So I sent them on a walk and then to dinner. That’ll work.

I stared some at two other WIPs but that’s as far as they got. I need to get some progress done on one of those but, nothing really wanted to get done.

Tomorrow I have errands I have got to get done. I’m gonna take the dawg and the laptop and head out. Jo needs to get out of the house too.