First Fiction!!!

I have had many nonfiction articles published. When I was in college oh so long ago, I had some poems and some lousy short stories published in a college journal. But that was, well, oh so long ago. (ghads! 21 years!!??)

But now, as an adult and a wanna be writer, I am getting my first fiction published!!! Can ya believe it!?!?

In July, Muscadine Lines, a Southern Journal published an essay I wrote. I figured it was a fluke or the editor, Kathy Rhodes, was being nice to me. But now she’s accepted a short story! She says she likes it! Wow.

Is this what it will feel like, sort of, when (not if) I get a book accepted for publication? If so, then I need to always make sure I am sitting down when I open letters from publishers.

I didn’t think getting a fiction piece accepted would feel this way. I’ve been doing nonfiction for so long, I figured it would feel the same. But this is awesome.

The piece will be in the November issue of Muscadine lines. Don’t worry, I’ll remind you. 😀