bookmark_borderCreative Spaces

As I lay here in bed, partially propped up on many pillows, being rocked by a panting dog, a fan blowing across me in an attempt to cool off and my new wireless card keeping me plugged to the ‘net, I am visiting various websites. I’ve been keeping an eye on Paperback Writer lately due to her recent unwanted thrust into the media’s dark version of the limelight.

At any rate, as I lay here in bed, I go to visit her site. The current article is about writer’s spaces and/or retreats. The post is well written (duh) and coming from a fellow writer, it is especially appealing since, after all, she understands the generic mindset of a writer (as opposed to a college professor studying behavior patterns of indigenous linguistic unit coordinators).

If you’re 100% happy with your writing environment, then you’ve already found the perfect retreat. If you’re not, or you find you’re not writing well, look around you. Is there something getting between you and the work? Pay attention to what you do as you write. What do you find yourself staring at and listening to when you’re not writing? Is it keeping you from concentrating? What distractions can you can remove from your work space?

Typically I write while sitting at one end of the couch; my legs either crossed (part yoga position, part ‘Indian’ style) or stretched out; a cat on the arm of the couch, her butt on my shoulder; at least one dog within reach either by foot or hand; my laptop on a cart/mobile table, its side section covered in a precariously balanced pile of ‘stuff’; and my ever present electric fan.

I have done some creative writing at the laundrymat, in the truck waiting for Lorna, at my brother’s kitchen table and various other places inbetween. But I have never been able to be creative (in terms of linguistic unit coordinating) here in bed. I believe it is partially because of my anti-insomnia training that has me uncomfortable doing something while in the place where I sleep. It is also because I can never seem to prop everything up well enough that I am comfortable.

What about you? Where do you do your best writing? Where do you do your worst? And where would you absolutely never be able to write?


Okay, I admit and/or confess: I like erotica. I like reading it. I also like writing it. (I won’t go any further as to my likes or dislikes) 😉

As I write these romances, I find that sometimes the ‘fade to black’ leaves me frustrated – as a writer (ahem). So a while back I started one that does not fade to black in the least. The plot is awful but that is not my goal at this part of the game.

Back during last year’s NaNo, I heard about Literotica. In my opinion, the stuff is overall badly written. Spelling errors, ghastly grammar and many other problems. Occasionally I come across a well written one, but it is rare. But if the main goal is for the reader to get their proverbial rocks off, then there is plenty there to choose from. Their list of the most popular contains 84,454 stories.

Several years ago I stumbled across the Elf Sternberg site. The story I became addicted to is called The Journal Entries and is not that bad, as far as writing goes. The main site has several good links and information related to erotica and various lifestyles. As for others, do a simple search on Google or Yahoo! for ‘erotica’ or ‘online erotica’ and see the long list.

There are some decent publishers who also have an erotica line. Bella Books has Bella After Dark, for example. Then there is Phaze who totes themselves as being ‘Ultra-Sensual Romance’. Their categories range from BDSM to SciFi and Fantasy. Even Powell’s has a section of erotica.

Respected writers’ sites also have sections of How-Tos in regards to erotica. Fiction Factor has an article by Katy Terrega. Ms. Terrega’s website has some more resources for writers. She also is part of, which has market listings, contests, and articles (although membership isn’t free).

A decent writer has many options if they want to lean toward the erotica side at times. It is not in any way as disrespectful as it used to be. The Mainstream romance publishers have been toe-ing the line for several years with many of their books being less romance and more sex. As readers became more used to and even demanded more, writers of this genre became more popular. (Of course, I have no data to back me up, I am just doing some major assuming here.) Erotica leans more toward the humanity of sex while porn leans more toward the, um, well, not the opposite of humanity…well, here is what Wikipedia says in the article about Erotica:

Erotica is rather a modern word used to describe the portrayal of human sensuality and sexuality with high-art aspirations, differentiating such work from commercial pornography.

While pornography popularly focuses on unadorned and unemotional lusts and the explicit depiction of sexual acts, erotica tends to define material with a higher emotional content, the development of place, character and story line, or of an overall artistic theme. However, such distinctions are necessarily subjective and may say more about the critic’s own tastes on erotic material than the artistic and other attributes of the material itself.

Their article on Sex in Science Fiction is a premium read and resource.

Slash Fiction is an odd thing to me. Not the concept, I understand that just fine, but its popularity and massive amounts of followers/writers. Most intriguing is that Slash Fiction deals exclusively with homosexuality. Odd. Why not between opposite gender? Say, two enemies but it not involve force? Say, Captain Carter and Anubis? (stargate sg1) Or why not from two different shows? Tasha Yar from Star Trek and Shamus Harper from Andromeda?

Sorry, I digressed. Where was I?

Erotic Literature is an avenue I would like to pursue, perhaps sooner than later. W.S. Cross, Karin Kallmaker and other prior and current writers of erotica, had their way paved by Pauline Reage (aka Anne Desclos who wrote The Story of O) and D.H. Lawrence (who wrote Lady Chatterly’s Lover) and Anne Rice.


Doing a little research for dialect/colloquialisms for up Nawth, in particular the Philadelphia area.

I asked for assistance on the Forward Motion forum and was directed to an interesting site, The American Dialect.

For giggles, I did a Google search for ‘Philadelphia dialect‘ and came up with more than I thought I would.

From there I went to a site called Evolution Publishing and their page for Philadelphia dialect.

From there I found the site called Slanguage. If you need a short bit of language bits from various places (not just US), head there. Especially if you need a laugh. For example, in Philly, a Tellypole Wire is the place you throw your old sneakers. However, this site is heavy on the ads.

Also from the Philadelphia dialect is a link to an article titled Philly Speak. Part humor, part rant, part serious, the article has a good view on linguistic Philly.

Back to the American Dialect Society, they have 3 well rounded pages of links.

I am thinking of perhaps not doing a Philly thing, but go back to my original idea, and that was to have the character speak Pennsylvannia Dutch. Lorna’s Dad speaks that type of German, but it is their English version that I am interesting in.

Yeah, maybe that is where I will go. Maybe. I dunno.

bookmark_borderToday’s Progess

Despite sleeping in late, despite helping to prep and wash one 95lb rottweiler, despite Lorna watching TV while I try to work, I managed to do some work today.

The scenes I wrote are rough and basically are in place just to pave the way. More than likely, it will all be changed/cut by the time I get done.

I did realize that BG2 is going far too slow if my plot is to have the word play (ie Yankee moves South). If I am going to have this as just how they get together, it is going fairly well. But that’s not what I want. I need to take a look at what I have so far (size) and what I have left to go. I don’t want to lose a reader because they bought the book for the language humor and they not come across it until halfway through the book.

BG3 is, well, still moving. I think I am not sure just what the MCs are to be doing. Sure, yeah, it is to have a HEA, but just how do I plan on getting there? Is it a slow thing? Is it to be fast paced? What!?

I didn’t get anything done on the Trilogy today, which is fine. I realized I need to back up and add in some crucial information. Lorna has read the second half of the book and liked it. She is my worst critic, other then myself.

bookmark_borderRouter Trouble?

Found an awesome site!

It is not just about port forwarding but all about your IP address, how to find it, how to change it, etc etc. A great resource to turn to before you pull your hair out.

I use a ham software called Echolink. I need to set up the new router so I can use the program (which needs to have some ports forwarded). I am doing some head banging whilst I try and figure it out. My main problem at the moment is I can’t access the router’s web utility panel. I am thinking that perhaps it is because I am doing it from the laptop, not the desktop.


I went out today and spent a hunk o’ change on a wireless router and a wireless notebook adapter. Took a while to work out the kinks (gotta love XP) but it is now working on both computers.

No more cable going across the living room.

One less cable dangling from the back of my table for the dogs to tangle themselves on.

Yep, Paula done moved uptown.

This also means that I can go outside and still access the ‘net, vital (or at least important) when I am writing. It also means I can be hip and go to cyber cafes.

But since I am the laziest me I know, more ‘n likely it won’t happen often.

bookmark_borderStringed Instruments

I am looking into various stringed instruments that might have been portable enough for constant travelers to carry. One is the Gusli, in particular the 7-stringed version known as the winged gusli. It is a Russion Psaltry, used for folk type music. I did find one modern woman who plays the lap version of the gusli in Russia. Olga Shishkina lives in St. Petersburg, Russia. I listened to some of her music, available from her site. It sounds like a dulcimer, except it is plucked, not hammered or strummed.

Another instrument I am considering is the Japanese Shamisen. I have listened to a lot of music with them and have wanted one for years. However, it does tend to be played almost painfully high pitched. I have not heard the Yamatogoto played, but it looks less wieldy and fragile. If I had a choice, I’d probably buy a Yamatogoto over the Shamisen, basically because it is a native Nippon instrument, vs being imported from mainland Asia.

Another Japanese stringed instrument, the Biwa, was used by Biwa Hoshi, kind of a minstrel. This is my next one to investigate.

The problem with all of these instruments is that I can’t seem to find any sizes!!! Some of the pages have images, yes, but unless there is someone or something in the image to compare it to, I haven’t a clue if it would work. I don’t need to know how to play the thing, just the basics (strummed vs picked) and its size!

At any rate, I may just make one up since it is for a fiction manuscript. But that would be FAR too easy! 😳

The wooden flute one character will use and the small hand drum another will use is much easier to fake dissemble in the book. Another character plays a harp while at home, but that is rather awkward on the road. Perhaps she could use a different kind of psaltry.

Okay, well, anyway, back to work I go, hi ho, hi ho!

bookmark_borderFoggy Mornings

There is a local saying that for every morning in August that has fog, there will be a day of snow in the winter. If this holds true, then we will be having at least 12 days of snow this season.

Lorna’s coworkers at the post office like to tell her sayings and phrases like that. She writes them down and brings them home to me so I can interpret it. Also so I can verify that it is a real saying and not something they are making up to tease her. You know, like snipe hunting. (did you know there is a Snipe Hunters Association of America? All they do is sell stuff through Cafe Press though)

They also all talk about getting a weather rock to put out by the back door of the post office.

Smokey Mountain Weather Rock – small and kinda silly, most likely made to sell to damnYankees.

Gilwell Weather Rock – an longer explanation of the Weather Rock

Windy Creek Weather Rock – a portable version

I am thinking along these lines because of BG2. I am re-collecting Southernisms to use in the book. That and I am working on my 30th hour of no sleep.

bookmark_borderWordPress Codex

The WordPress community is great for not just developing the software, but also for helping others to gain access to the program, the support, and now the Codex.

The Codex is a vast resource for not just WordPress, but also for CSS, HTML and PHP tips and resources.

Tamba has put everything in the Codex into individual .pdf files. This makes the Codex readable and printable off line. I suggest you read the FAQ before wantonly downloading the files. The files, 244 of them weighing 34MB+/-, are listed in alphabetical order, making it easy to find just what you need.

If you find the page you need to refer to on the Codex itself, you can hop over to the list and download that page as a .pdf file, which makes it prettier in print.

PS: Tamba also suggests an Open Source software called Foxit Reader as an alternative to Acrobat Reader. I am all for Open Source!

bookmark_borderThree at once!

Despite my blog surfing, despite getting my blood pressure up over that alleged leader of our country, I did get some writing done today. And I got it done on three different WIPs. (I’ll update the word counts later)

BG2 – I’ve decided to do the major scenes for now, then fill in the finer details later. I need to know where it is going and I can’t unless I write it out.

BG3 – Stalled at the moment. I need to get these two together but I can’t find a way to do it that I like. Arrgh.

The Trilogy – Reworking this one by adding in an antagonist earlier in the story line. I think doing so now will help to explain it later.

An online friend of mine went to the WorldCon and wrote a splendid post about it all. What she had to say has me thinking more of what I want to do. Especially with my SF piece.

Oh, and had PT today. I was advised to wear my neck brace more. Oh goody, another appliance.

And yes, I’ve been up all night again.