Reality Sets In

As I begin working on my query letter again, as well as the synopsis/precis/whatever, I search around for ideas and pointers. I keep coming across the idea that publishers are becoming (or have been all along) more interested in the marketability of the author, almost as much as the book itself.

I am not marketable. I am a fat blond Southern lesbian who has a disability. If I were black, I think I would have almost all the major minorities covered.

And about that disability… I am also becoming increasingly aware that if I sell a book, I will have to promote it. Not a big deal, unless one remembers how little energy I have to begin with. Am I capable of sitting at a table for book signings? What if I arrive at said bookstore and it is not wheelchair accessible? After all, the ADA was signed into federal law only fifteen years ago. (insert sarcasm)

Then there is the issue of the income. As a person with a disability and declared as such by the SSA, I am only allowed to earn so much outside of my current benefits, else then I am capable of being gainfully employed. There is no plausible way that I could be considered capable of being gainfully employed, at least in terms of a 40hr week job. Not unless the job would allow me to use a couch; an accessible keyboard, computer, desk, workspace that can be used sitting, reclining, or supine position; an office so I can shut the door when I get my sudden headaches; time off during the day for PT appts, Dr. appts., and various testing that may come up; and never have the concept of deadlines in mind when it comes to me being able to get something done. All of this depends on the interpretation of ‘reasonable accomondation’.

If I earn a royalty check once a blue moon, they then would most likely cut my benefits for that month and the months around it. They may ask me to repay for some of the services that they (Medicare/Medicaid) paid during that time period. I would be required to pay for my own medication (currently over $600 a month) and my own health care. Then the time for the royalty would be up and I’d have to file to get everything reinstated. It is a cycle that I am not sure I am interested in undertaking. They now have the ‘Ticket To Work‘ program, but I don’t think it applies here.

I just don’t have the energy.

Yeah, sure, yesterday I wrote over 4000 words. So did my on-line friend Kait. She did hers during and after her work, her classes, and the joy of being a pregnant woman. A post this size usually takes me up to about 30 minutes to type out, not including corrections (I cant’ sepll).

So see, do I really want to have a book published? Do I really want that level of committment that I may not be capable of meeting? Would a publisher even want me?

Below is me, about four years ago. I can’t turn my head that far anymore. And my poor wheelchair is not that pretty now.

(click image for larger version)
photo of paula sitting in her yellow powerchair at her computer desk