Writing and Editing

I got a grand total of 227 words yesterday. Not my all-time daily low but it is close. I was horribly distracted by H. Katrina, amateur radio stuff, dinner out with friends we’ve not seen in several years (although we live in the same county!) and some other piddly stuff like Stargate. 😀

I am determined to get more written today. My back is killing me (if it does, can it be charged for murder???) and the dogs are driving me nuts-er. But I am going to get BG2b done by NaNo starts! I will!

Wait, but that’ll mean I’ll have two completed novels at the end of November, both demanding editing. Ack!

Speaking of editing, I am about to send BG1 to Robin Smith for proofing. It is going to cost a lot to have her do it, but in my opinion (and better yet, in Lorna’s opinion), it is going to be well worth it. My hope and goal is to learn a lot from her input to better my writing skills so I can decrease the edit efforts. I will most likely continue to use her services though. FYI, I found Robin via Publishers Marketplace editing services search.

But before I can send it to her, I need to print it out. So now I go all the way across the room to the other computer. Sigh, the work we writers have to do.