Conflict and Resolution

I came up with what I hoped would be a good main conflict for BG2b. However, I don’t think it carries enough weight to continue long enough. It may though. Still working on it of course. Almost half way done with the manuscript. I managed to get over 1K words done though.

I have until November 1st to get it done. And of course, November is NaNo. I won’t be working on anything else but whatever wham bang plot line I come up with. Yeah, plot….

Should I work on a sci-fi I’ve got bouncing in my head? You know, the one that is in perpetual research? How about a fantasy along the lines of Simple Sarah?

Sophia went to that big convention that was in Scotland or something similar. (details? whazzat??) Anyway, whist there she attended a workshop that discussed other time frames other than the medieval one. So many of the fantasy novels are set in medieval time period. You know, swords and dragons and magic and kings and knights and sometimes even space rockets and swords. (Darkover comes to mind).

There is the Industrial Age where poor folk left the farms and moved to the cities where the jobs were in those big stinking factories. Going backwards in time there is the Bronze Age where mankind was out of the caves and doing more than just surviving.

All fiction, well, the vast majority, deals with good vs evil. Good sex vs bad sex. Good food vs bad food. Good gods vs evil gods. Etcetera etcetera. Even romance deals with good vs evil.

The Bronze Age and perhaps even the Iron Age (hey, I haven’t a clue where these all fall in real time. I’m brainstorming here. Details come later! Get over it.) the whole world’s societies dealt with good vs evil. Good gods gave the rain, bad gods made the mountains burp fire. Mythological times had a plethora of gods, both good and bad and some who fall into both.

So it wouldn’t be too difficult to come up with a plot line that falls further back in time than King Arthur. Simple Sarah is part King Arthur, part Industrial. Although it is not her nation that is industrial, it does exist elsewhere. Wayback falls into the…well…I haven’t a clue. Most likely medieval, maybe prior to that. All the Butch Girl books are modern times. Centric is futuristic but since it does not happen on this planet, it has its own time line. And since it is based on sustainability, the industries are much further advanced than the earth-killing factories we have today.

Where was I going with this?

Oh, yes NaNo. I am thinking of doing something in another time other than King Arthur-ish. The plot will either determine or be determined based on the time period. Sounds like tomorrow is Wikipedia Research day, eh?