Dangers of Researching (NSFW)


I was cruising Wikipedia for an image. Didn’t know what exactly I was looking for but I was cruising around. Came across an awesome photo, artistically that is, of a D/s collar.

Seeing it reminded me that I still had to figure out exactly what to do for NaNo. I remembered that erotica piece (no pun intended) I was working on and thought perhaps that might be a good one. So, using the links from the image, I did some D/s research.

D/s differs in that there usually is little to no pain involved. The whole thing is based on Dominance and submissiveness. If you want to find out more, look it up yourself! Anyway, I came across a link to a magazine called Domination Directory International (DDI). While not exactly what I was looking for (the lifestyle of a lesbian Domme) I did find the site, um, interesting. They have all of their magazine covers available for viewing. As I flipped through them, watching how the magazine changed over the years, I started seeing what these women were wearing on their feet.


(clicking on the image will take you to the DDI’s cover gallery. NOT suitable for work! Unless this is your work.)

Now, while I am all for wearing uniforms, I am rather amused with these boots. The first caught my attention which started me checking out all the shoes/boots on the covers. I mean, really, do they actually walk in them?? I imagine their studios are small. Or they sit and order the client around. And yes, all of the cover models were sitting. And check out the ones with the elevator soles! One hell of a spike but I think I’d get a head rush from the height change.

And, in case you were wondering and even if you were not, my favorite cover (not the boot) was actually one of the above: the one third from the right.


  1. Reading the history of the magazine now, and its actually pretty interesting. I do understand how looking for one particular thing leads to finding others and having to follow up on them out of curiosty- gotta love the internet!

    NaNo ideas are still eluding me.

    Love your post button’s text.

  2. I have found some cool stuff on the ‘net just by going from one site to another, following one thought until I forget what the thought was. I can be dangerous though. Mom was once looking at recipes, came across a lady’s site that had some good ones. She saw a link that said ‘stuff I never should have put here but did anyway’. Thinking it was a section for bad recipes, she clicked. It led her to instructions on how to properly have sex with your male dog (all together now, 1-2-3: EW GROSS). Really freaked Mom out! (Maybe Mom was really looking up homemade latex recipes?)

    That is the main reason why my niece and nephew don’t have an internet capable computer in their rooms.

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