bookmark_borderShorts and Counts

Okay, let’s see if I can ‘splain this.

Forward Motion has a year long marathon. Folks keep track of their word count and aim for one of three goals: 250,000; 500,000; or 1,000,000.

Last year I was well on my way to getting the prized million. Before the year was halfway there, I was already in the 400K range. Then I hit a major slump, did some editing, and some other silly real life stuff and ended the year with 650,433. Still a good count!

This year, because of editing, my word count has been lousy. My goal for this year is the 500,000 one and I am well on my way.

This marathon allows all words to be counted, including blog entries. Other shorter marathons, like the two month ones, only allow words that go in or toward something that may or may not be published.

I have 28106 in various writings.
I have 177864 in writing in WIPs.
And as of this morning, I had 125366 words in posts (the day to day entries)and pages (stuff like my freewriting and all the image pages).
I had to take out those posts/pages that do not fall into this year which brings the blog count to 113822.

That brings the grand total to 319792. Not too bad, although it means I need to write a minimum of 1733 each day for the rest of the year to come out even at 500,000. Today I got 1646. Eh, it’ll even out.

I like having goals such as word counts. I feel as if I have accomplished something. The word count is tangible proof I do more than just sit on my ass playing Zoo Tycoon 2 or Shape Shifter.

bookmark_borderLists of Lists

I am doing a short story that just may become known as Chapter One :rolleyes:

I needed a list of songs that had a woman’s name that started with P. Picky, aren’t I? Did a search on Google and came up with Listology’s Songs With Women’s Names in the Title. A valuable resource site, Listology has a lists that go on for days.

I also came across LyricsFreak when I looked up the words to the various songs I picked.

And as always, if you need to hear a snip of a song or read an excerpt, check out, look up the book, the album or the artist or the writer.

bookmark_borderShort Stories

At the mention of short stories when writers are present, there are two basic responses:

Short story? Any short I try to do usually ends up being called Chapter 1. (thanks to Irysangel for that comment!)


Short story? Easy enough. I just wish I could keep an idea long enough to write a novel.

See the differences? One gets an idea and it just keeps growing. The other gets an idea and they are able to keep it calm and controlled.

Which one am I? The first one, of course! But a little of the second thrown in for giggles. I have several ideas for novels that never made it past page 20. And I have several almost completed novels that started out as a short story.

I barely got 339 words on the main WIP, BG2b. However, I got one short story completed and another pert near finished. Combined, they are 2552 words! Not bad!

The one short was good enough that I printed it out, let Lorna read it, and I have been editing it.

There is a contest/competition for folks living in NC, SC or VA. The Robert Ruark Foundation Inc. 2005 Short Fiction Competition through the NC Writer’s Network. I am thinking of sending the first and perhaps the second, if it pretties up any.

I also read at their site that the 2005 Fall Conference is going to be in Asheville! I don’t know if it always is or just this time. Either way, it is a great opportunity that I will NOT be missing.

bookmark_borderGood Vs Evil

Such a simple thing, yet far from it.

In terms of a WIP, I got the Good down but I don’t like the Evil. They have to be Evil else why bother? Ever watch SG1, Stargate? You know those bad guys, the snake like parasites? You know how arrogant they are, fully believing all the way till the end that they are going to prevail and get you?

That’s how I have the bad guys in this WIP (The Trilogy). Arrogance is their major weakness. Shoot arrows and sword fight all you want, they’ll stand their ground. But call them fools for wearing pants, and wham! They go nuts. Their primary strength is their numbers. But their main weakness is their arrogance.

I got this world, see, and it was created by these two gods. Later, as the population grew, they got bored but instead of just leaving the people, they sent out a universal ‘help wanted’ notice. Bunches of gods showed up. Each nation was chosen by at least one god and got to choose if they wanted that god or not. Sounds far too perfect, don’t it? But of course it is not perfect. What happens when there are two gods wanting the same nation and the people elect just one? What happens to those people who wanted the other god? You know, like half the people who voted for Kerry are pissed that Bush is still there.

It is those people who don’t want the god their fellow countrymen have chosen. They want the other one. He is all about avarice and superbia. The other one is all about craftmanship and trade.

The problem is, I don’t think this scenerio works. I mean, yawn, like no one saw that coming. I like the Evil I have and the way it manifests itself but I need a reason behind it.

Currently the Evil folks, those who followed the other god, got sent to another area of the country and were secluded from the rest of the country. But of course, being the greedy sort, they wouldn’t stay put. They went out and spread their Evil. But I don’t like that. Again, yawn.

I am thinking that it is not people within that nation, but another bordering nation. Yeah. That’d do it. It would be perfectly normal to guard a border. Yeah.

Maybe I am on to something here…..

bookmark_borderFantasy/SF in the 19th Century

That title is rather misleading. It’s not that I am blah-blahing about literature in the 1800s, but rather writing Fantasy/SF based on civilizations that existed in the 1800s.

So far, my Fantasy projects have not dealt in magic. Mystic, yes; magic, no. Mystic is along the lines of the unknown. Magic is along the lines of wands and ley lines and smoke. Mystic is unexplainable yet we belive it.

Look at it this way, Jesus the Christ was a mystic. What he did cannot be explained (well it can, but no, it can’t) without believing in the mystery. Some Christian faiths believe that during communion, the bread and wine actually become the body and blood of the Christ. Now that is mystic!

From the FreeDictionary:

mys·tic Pronunciation (mstk)
1. Of or relating to religious mysteries or occult rites and practices.
2. Of or relating to mysticism or mystics.
3. Inspiring a sense of mystery and wonder.
a. Mysterious; strange.
b. Enigmatic; obscure.
5. Mystical.
One who practices or believes in mysticism or a given form of mysticism: Protestant mystics.
[Middle English mystik, from Latin mysticus, from Greek mustikos, from musts, initiate; see mystery1.]

mys·ti·cism Pronunciation (mst-szm)
a. Immediate consciousness of the transcendent or ultimate reality or God.
b. The experience of such communion as described by mystics.
2. A belief in the existence of realities beyond perceptual or intellectual apprehension that are central to being and directly accessible by subjective experience.
3. Vague, groundless speculation

en·ig·mat·ic Pronunciation (ng-mtk) or en·ig·mat·i·cal (–kl)
Of or resembling an enigma; puzzling: a professor’s enigmatic grading system. See Synonyms at ambiguous.
[Greek ainigmatikos, from ainigma, ainigmat-, riddle; see enigma.]
enig·mati·cal·ly adv.

e·nig·ma Pronunciation (-ngm)
1. One that is puzzling, ambiguous, or inexplicable.
2. A perplexing speech or text; a riddle.
[Latin aenigma, from Greek ainigma, from ainissesthai, ainig-, to speak in riddles, from ainos, fable.]

So, with all that in mind, can a Fantasy novel be written with the culture of say, the Southern US in 1850? Travel across the country was not quite commonplace but it was not unusual either. The telegraph was tap-tapping already. Motorized automobiles did not exist yet although trains may have been. Common man got around by foot or by horse. Industries were up and running although the true production line didn’t come around until Henry Ford.

Could Lord of the Rings have been written for that time frame? Parts of the world had yet to be discovered and/or explored so yeah, they could have made their way across Australia or Africa. What about the Valdemar series? Warfare and political intrigue? Heck yeah, it could have taken place then. The South was already grumbling about the laws and rulings coming from the North.

Perhaps it would not be so far fetched after all. Hmm.

bookmark_borderAmateur Radio in the News

Amateur Radio has gotten some of the attention it deserves. There are numerous articles on the ARRL website, of course, but there are also many articles in the regular media.

On my ham radio site, KG4VPY, I listed all of the ARRL news articles relating to Hurricane Katrina’s aftermath. In a seperate post, I provided links to the Google news search results.

If you are intested in either or both, head over there and check them out!

bookmark_borderToday’s work

Little bit at a time, I managed to write over 3000 words today! (3196 to be exact)

Didn’t think I’d crack 1K, but, a little at a time, there I was.

As I have mentioned, I established the conflict and the two MCs dealt with it. But I had written my characters into a lose-lose situation and I had to break them out of it. I think the way I did it is better than how they got into the mess in the first place. That is definately something to work on in edit.

BG2b is rapidly approaching the halfway mark. If all goes well, that will be tomorrow. I keep wondering how the heck am I going to come up with that many words in winding this thing down?

I never got around to opening the agent query letter I am putting together. Bad Paula, no cookies! (maybe some cake tho) Which means I didn’t get around to starting the synopsis either. (there went the cake) I would like to have both of them done by the time I get the manuscript back from Robin.

Tomorrow: Synopsis before cake.

bookmark_borderTime Periods

Doing some research to find interesting time periods in which to base some fiction. Of course, the first place I turned to was Wikipedia.

The first age I looked up was the Bronze Age then went to the Iron Age, since it came next. There I found a link for the Three-Age System, which includes Stone Age. By the way, these ages are named for the predominate material used in tools and weapons. It was on that page that I hit the mother lode: a link to the List of Archaeological Periods.

Basically, the Stone, Bronze and Iron Ages are considered ‘pre-historic‘ which means, roughly, before written language existed, although most archeologists and others refer to it as being archeological cultures rather than named nations or peoples.

Geological time-scale is used more often than the Three Ages System. Geological is more global whereas the Three Ages are based on the peoples who inhabited what is now Europe. Peoples of the Americas, Africa and Asia developed at different rates. For example, some of the African cultures skipped the Bronze Age and Ancient China has been given a ‘Jade Age’ section due to the prominence of the use of Jade for tools and weapons prior to the Broze Age. For these reasons, it is often referred to as “Old World” Three Age System, with the Archeology of the Americas being ‘New World’.

So now I have more directions I can go with this. There are the archeological cultures, the geological time-scale (geological occurences play an important role in Wayback) and then all of the sub-cultures that fall into the ‘historical periods’ starting with the Babylonian and Persian periods.

The Middle Ages, the time most consider to be the medieval period, kinda sorta started during the 5th century after the fall of the Western Roman Empire. Since the Christian Church was almost literally the only organization to survive the fall, religion plays a very important role in the Middle Ages which ends with the Protestant Reformation at about 1517. The Middle Ages take up a good chunk of history, roughly a thousand years. So it is easy to see why it is easy for a writer to use that time period. The Crusads and their sword-swing heroes make for a good background.

The Eastern Roman Empire (Greek speaking Romans) made up the Byzantine Empire that follows roughly the same time period as the Middle Ages.

The Industrial Revolution does not occur until the 18th century in Europe.
The Mayan culture prevailed from 500-1200s known as the Classic Stage.
The Incan and Mississipian cultures prevailed from 1200s to present in the Post-Classic Stage.
The Anasazi/Hisatsinom are thought to have emerged at around 1200BC. The Pecos Classification page is interesting reading.

Another cool thing with Wikipedia is that you can look up an individual year, a decade, a millennia and etc. For example, I looked up 1850BC. On that page, I can find the events from that year as well as births and deaths. I can also find links to years around it, the 1850s decade, 1850 art, architecture, and other important topics (the architecture timeline page is a great resource too).

Okay, well, I’m going back in. Wonder where the ‘net will take me next???

bookmark_borderConflict and Resolution

I came up with what I hoped would be a good main conflict for BG2b. However, I don’t think it carries enough weight to continue long enough. It may though. Still working on it of course. Almost half way done with the manuscript. I managed to get over 1K words done though.

I have until November 1st to get it done. And of course, November is NaNo. I won’t be working on anything else but whatever wham bang plot line I come up with. Yeah, plot….

Should I work on a sci-fi I’ve got bouncing in my head? You know, the one that is in perpetual research? How about a fantasy along the lines of Simple Sarah?

Sophia went to that big convention that was in Scotland or something similar. (details? whazzat??) Anyway, whist there she attended a workshop that discussed other time frames other than the medieval one. So many of the fantasy novels are set in medieval time period. You know, swords and dragons and magic and kings and knights and sometimes even space rockets and swords. (Darkover comes to mind).

There is the Industrial Age where poor folk left the farms and moved to the cities where the jobs were in those big stinking factories. Going backwards in time there is the Bronze Age where mankind was out of the caves and doing more than just surviving.

All fiction, well, the vast majority, deals with good vs evil. Good sex vs bad sex. Good food vs bad food. Good gods vs evil gods. Etcetera etcetera. Even romance deals with good vs evil.

The Bronze Age and perhaps even the Iron Age (hey, I haven’t a clue where these all fall in real time. I’m brainstorming here. Details come later! Get over it.) the whole world’s societies dealt with good vs evil. Good gods gave the rain, bad gods made the mountains burp fire. Mythological times had a plethora of gods, both good and bad and some who fall into both.

So it wouldn’t be too difficult to come up with a plot line that falls further back in time than King Arthur. Simple Sarah is part King Arthur, part Industrial. Although it is not her nation that is industrial, it does exist elsewhere. Wayback falls into the…well…I haven’t a clue. Most likely medieval, maybe prior to that. All the Butch Girl books are modern times. Centric is futuristic but since it does not happen on this planet, it has its own time line. And since it is based on sustainability, the industries are much further advanced than the earth-killing factories we have today.

Where was I going with this?

Oh, yes NaNo. I am thinking of doing something in another time other than King Arthur-ish. The plot will either determine or be determined based on the time period. Sounds like tomorrow is Wikipedia Research day, eh?

bookmark_borderPlots and Cussing

The count for BG2b is growing, 33474, slowly but surely. I got some decent writing in today. Not sure how much of it will stay though. I needed to write through a bump in the plot road, just to keep going with this conflict issue I came up with. I think it will still hold, which is good!

I may work on the query letters again tonight. I’ve been letting it sit a few days between each ‘working on it’ periods. I need to work on the synopsis more than anything else though. It just seems so difficult to cull a 79K document into just one page. Or less!

Um, like, they met. One got mad at the past. One had a bad date with a “predator”. The two MCs finally get together. Brat pitched a fit. Brat got over it, they all moved in together and lived happily ever after.

There. Done.

Whatever was I so worried about? :rolleyes:

How much cussing (as in shit, damn, hell. and other such words) is acceptable in GLBT fiction? Not that my MCs are like, sailors long at sea, but they are human after all. The words don’t distract from the plot/scene. If anything, it kinda adds to it, showing the character better. You know, like:

“Gosh, Ellen, I’m not sure I remember that far back.”

“Give it a try! You can do it!”


“Shit, Ellen, I ain’t sure I can recall something that long ago!”

“Dammit, Nikki, give it a try! You can do it!”

See what I mean? If you don’t, well, never mind. I guess you had to be here.