
Had a fit of creativity last night, er this morning, whenever, and managed to create an almost single page synopsis of BG1. The draft was two full pages which then got whittled down to just over a page. Whittled is such a mild word, actually, Hacked and diced would be better terms.

I also worked some more on the agent query letter, although I didn’t make much more progess than before. I haven’t looked at either of them yet today (for some reason I slept until 10).

I have an appt. in just a few minutes so I need to head out the door. Because we are down to one vehicle, Lorna had to take the day off. Of course, she hates it tremendously and is taking her frustration out on her Majongg. 😉

Okay, well, time to go get shrunk. Later!


My counselor and I decided I will come off Mt. Dew. I may go through withdrawals. :rolleyes:

She is hoping that cutting down on the caffeine intake will help with my insomnia. I doubt it but I’ll give it a whirl.

After the appt., I came home for a short time then we went out to eat. Lorna and I discussed all of my projects. She wasn’t aware I had so many! She helped me with a plot-hole, though. We also discussed the query letter and synopsis. I think she is getting the idea that writing is not only about typing out the story. Now if only I could grasp that….


  1. Buttermilk? Are you nuts!?!?!

    Fresca? Diet Sprite?!

    I drink decaf tea at home because caf. tea keeps me awake. Not jittery, just awake.

    Coffee caf. makes my heart race and is very scary.

    I don’t think cutting down on the Dew is going to help but I am willing to give it a try.

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