Day 24

…has done gone and went.

Between football games and eating baked chicken and dippin’ veggies in ranch dressing, I managed to get about 500 words. Lorna went to bed after CSI and I piddled around with some games. At about 10:30 or so, I got an idea and started writing. I stopped just after midnight for a pee break. I got a total of 3283 words down.

I got most of that next pivot scene done. Not as graphic as I’d like but it is there. I had some help though from some kids I’d met online as well as Sophia earlier in the day and Jess later in the day. I believe I will reach the 50K mark but I don’t think I will reach the end. It is close and I may just skip a lot just so I can say ‘The End’ and feel good for a brief moment.

Meanwhile, BG1 sits in the notebook, covered in red marks and notes. I will spend December going through it and entering in changes. Perhaps by February I will be able to start sending it out to agents. It bothers me at times that a manuscript I took just over a month to write is taking well over a year to get out. Perhaps if I wrote better the first time, my editing time would be shorter. Nah, ain’t gonna happen.