Day 3

There’s two quotes I will give you. Your mission, if you dare, is to guess just how I am doing.


If you guessed that I am having an ‘effing fantastic day, never been better, then you need to read more mystery books. If, however, you guessed that today has been a total Murphy day, then you get the grand prize.

I use as my word processor. Love it. Never had any problems with it. Until today. One moment the documents were there, next moment they weren’t. Then they wouldn’t open. Then they would, but only if the other was closed. As soon as I could open one and saw it was going to stay that way, I saved it under a different file name. Then I set it up so that it did an autosave as well as backup copy.

Still, there were major issues. The buttons wouldn’t work in the toolbars. Then bang, the docs would be gone. Then other things on the ‘puter started acting funky. Sidebars in windows were gone, right click wouldn’t work, etc etc. I turned the laptop over to check for gremlins, shook a few out of the never-been-used RJ11 port, and tried again. Still wonky. Finally I closed everything down and did a reboot. (and yes, Winston, I’ve run the spyware and the virus programs – clean as a proverbial whistle, complete with spit)

Ah, all better now, yes? Yes!!

Lesson for the day, boys and girls: Can you say “Backup your work”? Good! Now can you say, “Gotta dump out my pants”? Good!

I now have two copies of my NaNoWriMo WIP as well as a 2nd copy of my spreadsheet. I save religiously (um, pun not intended) but have not done a backup since NaNoWriMo started. As you can see from the screenshot in the upper right hand corner, I did get some work done today afterall, thanks to Sophia’s assistance earlier.


  1. Thanks for the acknowledgement…I think. You just been working that suckah too hard. It is amazing how power off and back on will cure a ton of sins.

    Have you moved to OO 2 yet? Commnets?

  2. I used to work for an arcade game company. One part of my job was when we arrived at a site, if there were any games not working, I unplugged them, counted to ten, and plugged ’em back in. Viola!

    In terms of this laptop, it is also amazing how screwed up when a hard drive is 45% fragmented. 😮 I defragged it last night and boy howdy is it happy this morning!

    Yes, I use OO.o 2. I love it of course. Have you seen all the units to it now??? SIX! Writer, Calc (spreadsheet), Draw, Impress (PowerPoint), Math, and Base (database). Not quite sure what Draw and Math are to do but hey, its there if I ever want to know.

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