Manuscript Preparation

I have set up BG1 to the specifications for Bold Strokes Books submission guidelines.

They want the first line of each paragraph indented and no blank line between paragraphs. The first was easy to do (format > paragraph) but the other was not so easy. But, it is done.

Which means that instead of being 538 pages or so, it is now 397 pages. Still double-spaced too.

That feels better now, don’t it?

So, if I can ever get the synopsis down to one page, it will be ready to send out to them.

I’m going to try Bold Strokes Books first for some reason. I had a good reason at the time but now I can’t remember it. Brain fart.


Bella Books likes each chapter heading to be 1/3 of the way down the page. After doing that, the page total for them will be 408.