World AIDS Day

Got this today from the Human Rights Campaign mailing:

Today, December 1, is World AIDS Day. In recognition of the day, the Human Rights Campaign is issuing our second annual report card to America’s leaders, grading their response to the AIDS crisis.

While some in Congress have been stellar in their support for addressing the HIV/AIDS epidemic in the United States and abroad, our overall national response has been guided by ideology instead of sound science and hasn’t provided the resources necessary to adequately and appropriately address the epidemic, particularly within communities of color.

Take a moment to read America’s report card, and then please urge Congress to reauthorize the Ryan White CARE Act in 2006. The CARE Act provides funding to states for critical services to people living with HIV/AIDS, and its authorization expired on September 30, 2005. Click here to send your message

Though the CARE Act continues to receive funding, it urgently needs to be reauthorized in 2006 and funded at levels that are adequate to address the HIV/AIDS public health crisis in the United States. The Human Rights Campaign has graded the USA an “F” in Care & Treatment – a key area the CARE Act is supposed to address.

Thank you so much for taking this urgent action on World AIDS Day 2005.


Joe Solmonese
President, Human Rights Campaign