More On Time

I am over at Wikipedia, looking up time stuff–in particular circadian rhythms. The science of studying circadian rhythms is called Chronobiology or Chronomics.

The University of Virginia has an interesting section called Biological Timing Tutorial, in addition to a decent glossary of time/circadian terms.

Another term used is biorhythm although there are skeptics who say it is not a science but a pseudoscience.

I am not a morning person. I am more of a night owl. My most creative time period is from 4-6pm until at least 1am. I also do not like sunlight. I wear sunglasses even when it is raining (I am of the opinion diffused lighting is worse than non-diffused). I also have sleep apnea, but I don’t see how that could be related to my night-owl-ness since I can snore loud enough to rattle windows no matter where the sun is.

What has always bothered me is that everyone is so concerned with getting the circadian rhythm reset either through light therapy or other means. Insomnia is a greater concern, true, but what if I get my 8 hrs in the day time? Not much can be found about night owls. I am still looking.

(as an aside, the Skeptic’s Dictionary has an entry for alien abduction. Not sure if I want to read it or not tho) 😉


  1. Interesting!

    I had a blast at that site.

    It was the first time I’d read where being an Owl was not a bad thing.


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