Over a hump, I think

I do believe, boys and girls, that I am over a hump/block/problem/plot-hole/whatever in terms of SS. I backed up and added in some scenes that, I think, pushed it back over into Fantasy. The scenes aren’t put in yet, I have them in a seperate document, but they are going to fit jes’ fine.

I felt like crap today so I didn’t get started until late. Even then I just kinda poked at it. But then I opened a new document and started writing. Felt good, you know?

Still haven’t heard from the short story competition I entered.

It’s not time yet to look for a reply to the novel I submitted.

No word yet on the possible anthology.

I am behind on my articles for EDSToday. I’ll get that done this week, if it is not too late. (note to self: ask her)

I’ve got some magazines I am considering sending in a non-fiction piece to. And one literary magazine/publication/thing I would love to get the nerve up to send something to.

Guess that is about it. I’m going to get a snack. I may stay up and write some more. I dunno.