What a Ride

Now, I admit, I am out of some of the loops. I am not all that familiar with the more on-the-edge rock groups and grunge and most certainly know very little about rap.

Apparently there is a thing called ‘crowd-surfing’. What this is is when someone is carried across the crowd, over the crowds’ head. Never knew there was a name for it.

Check this out:

photo of an outdoor rock concert from the view point of the band. the crowd is holding a man in a manual wheelchair and passing him around up over their heads.

Now, I am all for inclusion and I reckon in the crowd, that’s the only way he could see any of the band. And, after all, they lowered that one guy through the roof on a pallet.

I came across this at WheelchairJunkie’s forum. Someone said they’d have to try it, what’s the worst that can happen. Someone replied with this:

photo of a rock concert with the view from the audience. the crowd has tried to pass someone in a wheelchair over their heads but it looks as if the person, and the chair, is about to be dropped.

Hey, like I said, I’m all for inclusion.

WheelchairJunkie thread
WCJ original of the first image
WCJ photo album
ConsumptionJunction, the original source for the second image