Interesting Survey Results

Many of you, my invisible readers, are aware that I am an amateur radio operator. One of my daily RSS feed reads is from ARRL. I went to their site today to read an article on BPL. Being at their site reminded me I’ve not done their survey in a while. I looked over the ones I missed and the one below is interesting.

(source: ARRL website)

The current HAM population seems to be fluxating between the geek and the OMs (old men). Ham radio is a field that is can be quite geeky. We were using GPS before it became popular. We can set up a working station in the front seat of a pickup truck and be the vital link during emergencies. During hurricane season, often HAMs are the only working source of communication in many disaster areas.

So the idea that HAMs would prefer printed material over an e-pub is interesting. Well, at least to me. Reckon I’ll not plan on my ham-related books being e-books then.