Puppy Training

From Elena, handler of Marley:

The best piece of advice I can ever give any puppy owner is to get a newspaper, roll it up very tight, secure it with a rubber band and leave it on the coffee table. Then when the puppy piddles in the house, chews up a slipper, or does anything it is not supposed to do, simply take the newspaper and bang it on the top of your head very
hard while repeating……..

“I should have been watching my puppy”
“I should have been watching my puppy”
“I should have been watching my puppy”

Speaking of pups, we had to take one of our dogs (Casey) to the vet yesterday. She’d gotten a splinter in her foot Wednesday night. I got the largest chunk out but a huge piece was still in her pad. They had to knock her out, cut open the pad, and pull the log out. Thing is, it took longer than they thought so they had to drug her twice. Normally, when a dog is knocked out to that degree, they stay for a few hours and when the owner picks them up, the dog is fairly awake. Being experienced dog folk, they let us take her home then.

Never again! Poor Casey was so stoned! Her tongue hung out the side, she couldn’t walk but a few steps before falling over. We called the vets office after two hours of this and they explained. We decided to never ever do this again. It was scary as hell.


  1. I think the Vet have no choice and it was a last resort to drug her. It was an accident nobody would have wanted. Vets would not operate on animals unless absolutely necessary.

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