Various Updates

Books read so far this year:

    When the Dancing Stops by “Reese” (O,P)
    Sugar by Karin Kallmaker (O,P)
    a Pern collection (L,P)

currently reading:

    Sweet Creek by Lee Lynch (O,P)
    Writing Humor: Giving a Comedic Touch to All Forms of Writing (O,R)
    Dyslexia by M. Snowling (L,R)
    Virtual Offices by Alice Bredin (L,R)

L=Library; O=Own; R=Research; P=Pleasure

There’s others (that I have read) but I can’t remember them, dangit.

Current/Active WIPs:

Simple Sarah version 7– yes, that means it is in its 7th rewrite. But not to worry, it doesn’t change much from one to the other. I just like to start over vs push on with a plot line (or direction) I don’t like
BG2 – yeah, I consider it an active WIP. I keep thinking about it, I like the idea, but it just doesn’t come out when I write it.
BG3 – about to do a push to the end, although it may mean starting over sorta kinda
Centric – the never-ending-research book