Whiny Writer

I didn’t get any writing done today. Heck, I didn’t get much of anything done today.

You don’t realize how much your shoulder blade moves until it hurts to move it. The entire (relatively speaking) right upper back around the shoulder blade was in a cramp/spasm. I woke up with it. Whoopie.

I didn’t get much done because of it. I didn’t even play many games. Now that is sad.

Currently the burning/vibrating has shifted from my shoulder blade to my cervical spine. Now that I can deal with. No matter what I did today, I just could NOT get my arm comfortable.

It is early and yet I am about to go to bed. Perhaps I will wake up with everything back to normal but without Patrick Ewing Bobby Ewing/Patrick Duffy in my shower.


  1. I’ve been reading this as, “…without Patrick Ewing in my shoulder” and was really thrown. I thought it was some American phrase I’d never heard of and couldn’t for the life of me work out how it could have come about. I was going to quiz you on it once you came on-line. 🙂

    I hope you’re feeling better.


  2. Yeah, I know, Patrick Duffy / Bobby Ewing. It was the shoulder thing that that confused me. I was picturing him stuck inside your back and shoulder in some gruesome horror-movie style way…(shudder)

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