There are now 85 authors officially registered for the convention. 85!

And there are some great names in there too. Karen Kallmaker, BL Miller, and Lynn Ames. There are many I’ve not heard of and many I’ve only met online. I am SOOO looking forward to this. Like, soooo looking forward.

I also get to meet my publisher, C.L. of Regal Crest Enterprises. I get to meet Lori Lake, RCE’s author liaison, the woman I’ve sent a lot of emails to, fer shur. I get to meet other brand spanking new authors such as Nell Stark.

I am already planning my packing. I have so much extra stuff I have to take that it’s not a matter of the day before like I used to. Clothes, sure. We just ordered a huge rolling suitcase/duffel bag that was on sale at Campmor. If it is decent, we may order the next size down too. Lorna’s got a non-rolling medium one from LLBean but their rolling duffels are ghastly expensive.

I’ve pulled out Jo’s backpack and she keeps sniffing it and looking at me. She knows the only time it is out is when we are going somewhere special. I can’t tell if she is happy about it or not. Her pack is by Jandd and is good, but I wish I’d gotten her the one from Mountainsmith or the one by Bison Designs. The bowls we use for her in the truck are made by Bison and are PVC. Meaning they never leak. We’ve gone through a lot of bowls, looking for one that won’t leak everywhere. All of them did but this one. Jo eats from a raised feeder which we take with us. It’s a pain in the ass but it’s better than her croaking from a flipped stomach, eh? If we traveled more, I’d get one that folds.

Well, reckon I’ve rambled long enough. Later!