New Resource

I got an email today asking me to link to a writer’s resource. I checked it out and liked it so I will.

Online Utility is, in their words, “a collection of various web tools”.

On this site you can find some extraordinary good tools and utilities for :

* Analyze words, sentences and structure of any texts
* Understand English texts
* Write easily readable English texts
* Perform mathematic calculation (even very powerful!)
* Convert various measurement units
* Webmasters can get keyword suggestions for English language sites
* Convert images from one format to another
* And much more!

It is their text tools that are writer related. There’s the Analyzer (finds the most frequent phrases and frequency of words from text page), Frequent Words (finds words by frequency from text or web site.), and the Misspellizer (Autoamticyl create spellnig mistakes). Have fun and let me know what you think.